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Destiny groaned as she slid out of bed so she could take a shower, she had come down with some sort of sickness and felt awful. All she felt like doing was lying in bed rotting away even though she was supposed to be editing her vlog and promised her fans she was closer with she'd go live. She grabbed a hoodie and some bottoms, as well as her slippers before walking into the bathroom, turning on the hot water.

Catching her off guard, her phone started to ring. Looking over she saw it was Jack on FaceTime. She answered it, letting her camera face her ceiling since she was about to step into the shower.

"Hey, what's up?" Destiny asked, wondering if he needed something from her as she tested the waters temperature.

"Just called to check in, how are you?"

"I'm ok, a little sick though."

"I hear, you sound congested- are you in the shower?"

Destiny laughed, she had already started washing up because she didn't want to stand in the bathroom cold and naked. "Yeah, you caught me right when I was getting in I didn't want to be cold."

"So that's why I'm stuck staring at the ceiling at not your fine ass? Bogus."

"Just look at my Instagram in the meantime."

"I'm always looking at your Instagram, that's why I called to hear your voice but between the sound of your shower and you breathing like you're on a CPAP Machine I can't."

"Now what am I supposed to do about that?"

"I'll do something about it, text me your address."


Destiny took her time in the shower letting the stream hopefully clear her airways. She wasn't in a rush to text Jack her address though, figuring he was probably going to have some medicine delivered to her place.

She got dressed and eventually texted Jack her address before falling asleep due to the Benadryl she took earlier.

Just when she was falling into a deep sleep she heard knocking on her door followed by her dog barking which annoyed her. She slid on her slippers and walked to her front door, two wads of tissue in her nose to stop the constant running.

"Jack?" She questioned as she looked on her Ring camera. He didn't reply but she knew it was him so she opened the door. He was holding a bouquet of red roses and had a few other bags in his other hand.

"I brought you some stuff, you sounded miserable on the phone." Jack stepped inside the girl's apartment, placing the bags on her kitchen counter and the flowers next to the other bouquet he had gotten her on their date.

"I thought you were just like getting them delivered I don't want to get you sick."

He shrugged, pouring the contents of the two CVS bags he had out. "I said I'd do something about it, plus I wanted to see you again."

"So you missed me?"

"You can say that. I like being around you."

"That's why you're always popping out where I am."

She leaned on her kitchen island, grabbing the pack of Mucinex Jack had brought her and taking it. "Maybe we should pop out together then."

Destiny just laughed, shaking her head. "I don't know about that."

"You hungry?" Jack stood nearby Destiny as he played with her dog, who loved the attention.

"Depends on what we're eating, I don't want any soup."

"Shouldn't you be having soup now?"

"I don't like soup, let's get American Deli."

"Not even Pho? Here." Jack slid his phone over, allowing her to order her food.

"No Pho is good, that's about it though."

"Your taste buds are interesting, like you might be the pickiest eater I've ever met."

"Why because I don't like soup?"

Destiny made her way over to her couch, lying down and throwing her blanket over her head since the light was making her head hurt. "What's up with you?" Jack asked, following her over to the couch.

"You follow me around more than my dog Jack, turn off the lights."

"How are you going to insult me after I risked my health to come see you." He said looking around, finding the light switches and turning them off. Destiny then uncovered herself, still lying face down on the couch.

"I'm sorry. I just don't feel good."

Jack sat next to her, the still unnamed dog jumped up onto the couch as well. "I know, that's why I came to help you feel better. You're an AKA?"

"What? That's so random, you must've watched my vlogs from college."

"Your hoodie that's all, and nah I frequent on your Twitter though."

"My Twitter? What's so interesting on there?"

"I like seeing what's on your mind."

Destiny let out a dramatic sigh before hearing the doorbell ring causing her dog to bark. "First my Instagram now my Twitter everything is going on my close friends now!"

She got up, opening the door and grabbing their food. "And you can add me on there too." Jack said looking in her refrigerator for something to drink. "You want to be in with my girlies so bad Jack, commenting on my posts and stuff!" She laughed, handing him his food.

"I plan on continuing to comment on your posts."

"Not too much I don't want us on The Shaderoom too often." Destiny wasn't sure if it was the Mucinex, wings or Jack that was making her feel better but she didn't feel like crying and that was a plus.

"Fair enough, I'll limit it."

Destiny was listening to Jack while eating her American Deli before getting a notification from Instagram on her phone. She gasped realizing she was supposed to go live on her second account today. "I forgot about my pookies oh no!"

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