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Tyla filled the background of Destiny's place as she sprayed setting spray over her face. It was 7:45 and she was just about ready to leave for her date. Despite not having gone on a first date in a while she wasn't exactly nervous but more so looking forward to actually getting a chance to talk with Jack and have a little more control over the situation.

They always accidentally ran into each other which wasn't preferred but worked when she didn't pay any mind to him. Recently she had started though, doing a little research but she didn't find much except that he was funny and didn't have any public relationships.

She didn't dig too much, wanting to form her own opinion on him but at the very least she knew he liked her, he consistently approached her and did so publicly, so it wasn't like he was trying to keep it under the radar.

Although Destiny was filming a weekly vlog, she didn't want to pull out a vlog camera during a date nor film content, so she decided to tell her vlog she'd update them after dinner and then she was on her way.

After a short while she was handing her keys to valet and walking into the entryway. Jack was already there and noticed her walking in, so he took it as his cue to go get her. "You look beautiful." He walked up to her, a bouquet of pink roses in his hand.

"Thank you, you're so sweet."

The two got seated in a corner booth making them sit closer to each other than normal. They both ordered drinks and continued their conversation.

"Hope there's no cameras in here to catch me gushing over you."

Destiny laughed, rolling her eyes. "Did you even see anyone recording us? I thought we were alone."

"I was looking at you, we're alone in here besides the staff this time though."

There were a few seconds of silence before Jack spoke up again. "These moments of silence are killing me. We aren't there yet."

"We aren't there yet?" She questioned, taking a sip of her drink waiting for it to kick in so she could loosen up.

"Come on, if you can talk to a camera and keep people entertained you can talk to me."

"That's different, I think it's easier to talk when you don't have to worry about a persons response."

"How'd you get into it, you just pick a camera up and start talking to your imaginary friends?"

"Hey hey, they're real now. I just started sharing my life, and I guess I was somewhat interesting because people started to watch. I didn't think it would ever take off though." The waiter stopped by, taking down their orders as they continued conversation.

"You're charismatic, and a sweetheart. I watched one of your vlogs, you run that shit let's be honest."

"You're definitely the charismatic one, you would not stop approaching me, it was actually annoying me at one point."

"When the opportunity arose, I took it. I thought I fucked it up the first time though. Left me hanging with the water."

"In my defense, I just wasn't in the mood. You didn't mess anything up though I'm here right now."

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