The Look

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We have all have had experience with it. Maybe it has been directed to us. Maybe we have used it. Point is, you have definitly experienced it in some way, shape, or form.

I am a weird person. Just putting it out there.

I am a complete nerd.

So, I get The Look a lot. A lot.

The Look is the thing people do when you do something weird, and instead of ignoring it, they give you this judgey look.

It's when they glare, but they also do a thing between pursing their lips and a duck face. And you can picture them saying "You weirdo. Why are you even here?".

I mean, just today my friends and I said violently in front of everything. When you put violently in front of almost anything it is 89% more funny.


-Violently makes soup

-Violently confirms walkway

-Violently looks like a fetus

-Violently sits peacefully

Anywho, as we were walking around all day doing this, I got SO many Looks.

Mind your own dang buissness. You don't know my life! I can talk about Violently doing things without it being weird.

Okay, so I can't.

But that's not the point.

The point is, don't judge people when you don't fully know what you are talking about.

I haven't ranted recently. Inspiration has not struck. It will soon. I have to interact with human beings sometimes.

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