Stupid People #2

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"Why lord have mercy on this world." - My grandma
For many of you school has recently started. I don't mind school, I enjoy learning. The flaw I have with school is people.

For those of you who don't know, my bus sucks. The bus driver's son gets away with anything, and so does his friend. They decide to be jerks and bullies, and I extremely dislike them.

Over the summer, I relish in the fact that I don't have to see them. But then, school.

First day. School just ended. Getting on the bus. I see the bus driver's kid sitting there. I sit two seats back. His jerk of a friends sits down next to him. This is their conversation:
"How was your day, man?"
"It sucked. We had to color man!"
"What?!? That is so lame!"
"Yeah. I mean, who likes to color?"

How is that lame?!?!? Coloring is basically my religion. Doesn't like coloring? It's better than the pound of work I did. It's relaxing. It's fun.

How do you hate it? Is that a thing that can happen?

Now that school has started, I will have so many rants that I can write for you enjoyment in my pain!
- Rhane

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