Small Talk

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I don't hate small talk. It can be quite nice, for the first for minutes.

I had to go to a party the other day filled with people I haven't seen in years, but they knew my Ma. This is how the next four hours of my life went:

"Omg! Hi!" *give large hug as I akwardly pat back* "How are you?"

"Doing well. You?"

"Doing fine. So Rhane, what grade you going into this year?"


"Wow. Seems like just yesterday you were down to here." *puts hand down to knee level* "What do you plan on doing?"

"Well, I'm taking all advanced classes, I play the cello, and I'm doing the high school swim team."

"Great! You are so smart! Nice talking to you again!"

"You too!" *walks away awkwardly*

I can handle 20 minutes. Not FOUR hours of the same conversation. I was so done by the end. AND I NEVER GOT CAKE! *single tear*

Wow. I haven't posted for a while. Hm. Ok. Well... Thanks if you're reading this.*walks away awkwardly*

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