Chapter 2

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We left the bar and went to my black car. I went to the driver's seat, I turned it on as I twisted my key and started driving to the address the asshole told me. The route was very silent, but I didn't really care. It kept glancing at me every now and then and I could see its stupid circle glowing yellow again on the window's reflection in the corner of my eyes.

What the hell is it doing? And why? Is it studying me or something? God, I'm not ready for this shit.

It was really starting to piss me off but unfortunately for me we arrived to the crime scene before I could kick its ass off the car that I parked a few streets away.

"You wait here. I won't be long" I stated as I placed my hand on the door handle to get out.

"My instructions are to accompany you to the crime scene, Detective" it insisted again.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck about your instructions. I told you to wait here... So you shut the fuck up, and you wait here" I said firmly, looking at its eyes.

It remained silent and regained its posture. I shook my head in annoyance and sighed as I got out the car.

There wasn't much crowd so I easily made my way through it, ignoring any interviews, and crossed the famous yellow police line. I started making my way in when I noticed that the plastic was trying to follow me but got stopped by another police android. I sighed as I came closer and grabbed it by the arm.

"It's with me" I said at the police android, who nodded at me right after.

I shoved it a bit as I left my grip from its arm.

"Are you deaf or something? I told you to wait in the car!" I said angrily.

"Your orders contradicted my instructions, Detective" he replied, raising its eyebrows a bit.

"You don't touch, talk and stay out of my way. Oh, and one more thing. Call me by my middle name again and I'll rip you apart. Got it?" I stated.

"Got it" he replied firmly.

"Evening, Connor! How's it going? I was starting to think you wouldn't show up..." I heard Ben greet me from behind.

"Yeah, that was the plan until this asshole found me... Just tell me what happened" I replied as we finally started to get inside the goddamn house.

I stopped at the door's threshold for a moment and I was greeted with a horrible smell as soon as I fully stepped inside. I immediately tried to cover my nose but it was useless, so I gave up and I listened intently to the briefing.

It seemed like the victim was stabbed 28 times in the stomach by his own android like three weeks ago. There was no sign of a break-in, so that confirms that it was actually the victim's android. There was a kitchen knife near the body's victim, which was probably the murder weapon, and they assumed that the killer must've gone out the back way. I thought I got enough information so I could have started building up what possibly happened.

I glanced around and saw the android knelt on the ground, ready to stick its bloody finger in its mouth.

"Whoa- Hey, hey, hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

It stood up and looked up at me blankly.

"I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry... I should have warned you. I didn't mean to upset you, Detective" it replied calmly as usual.

"Uh... Ok, just... Don't put more evidence in your mouth and especially don't do it in front of me next time, it's disgusting..." I said quietly while looking away.

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