Prologue: Simulation.

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[Prologue] ~(Y/n)'s POV~


I awoke with a jerk, my sinuses being filled with the scent of fresh grass.

My eyes snapped open as they darted around, sending signals to my brain that it seemed to be safe- for the time being. I rolled onto my back and inhaled again, a piece of green grass tickling my nose as I brushed it off. I looked up at the wonderful clear blue sky, the sound of a nearby rushing river, and the music of singing birds.

It was perfect. Too perfect.

Suddenly, the joyful laughing of children filled my ears. I flinched, sitting up abrutly, which turned out to be a terrible mistake. "Ouch..." I groaned, placing a hand on my back gingerly.

I scanned my horizons and felt around my back with my hands, only to find that the familiar feel of leather straps and metal was not there. The simulation had taken my weapons. I did not know if that was a good sign or a bad one.

Really, I shouldn't be surprised, I scared them. I scared them all.

I smirked as I slowly got up, placing my hand on the ground as I pushed myself up to stand. I had to be careful, the last time I had got up too quickly, and hit my head against the floor ending my simulation too quickly. I had gotten electrocuted because of that a couple of times.

For a moment, I tilted up my face up savoring the sweet simulated sunshine. It had been months since I had seen the light, and it felt wonderful- even if it was fake. After a few moments, I tilted my head back down and studied the children. A young girl of about six years, ran around being chased by a older boy,  about a few years older then her.

I smiled - for the first time in what had been a while, and did it hurt, as I  crossed my arms over my chest. Why were they giving me such a pleasant simulation? Most of the time, the simulations were of something terrible. I could never remember what it had been of, but what I did know was that I always woke up screaming from them. So why?

My question was suddenly answered, but not in the way I wanted.

Because that's when the fire came. It started out small, small brilliant sparks of fire flying around the playing children. But the fire started to grow, setting the grass around me on fire. My eyes turned large as I looked up, but a wall of fire fell in front of me.

All I could hear was screaming now.

As I looked around, sweat drenching my body, I remembered. It was the day my whole world went up in flames. It was a memory I had tried to keep well hidden, and yet they still got to it.

This was the day the only family that had dared to take me in, after multiple reports, constant warnings, had found some kind of light in me. A piece of goodness that they had tried to help bloom. This was the day she had made herself a home inside of me.

My frantic yells turned into horrified screaming, as the fire seemed to coil around me like a snake. Suffocating me, filling my lungs up with ash and smoke. I choked out loud, my fingers curling into the black dead grass.

That is when the fire consumed me, wrapping around me as my screams were cut off. How could I keep screaming? In the simulation- I was dead.

Then with no warning, there was darkness.


(Y/n) suddenly woke up.

The simulation had been a memory that she had relived countless times inside of her head. That was what had led her to being forced into this horrible government facility, forced to undergo training to perfect myself, to unleash the monster that she was tormented by. To channel her anger, to become some kind of weapon. She hated it. She hated everyone. She wanted to burn down this entire warehouse as some kind of sequel to the memory she carried around.

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