Chapter 5 /Edited

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The next morning I wake up at three in the morning. I got up and got dressed in some comfortable clothing and tied my hair into a messy bun. I went outside and took a jog in the forest.

I felt so at peace here. It was calming quiet and there was no one but the creatures of the forest here. I took a rocky path for fun. I walked on the rocks keeping my balance.

I need to make sure I thank mom for making me take ballet lessons for five years. I ran along side a river and something ran into me. I fell to the ground hurting my ankle.

I looked up to see two wolves fighting. Wait it can't be wolves cause their the size of a car. They were fighting and didn't even notice me. They kept fighting and got closer to me.

The brown wolf was thrown across the field and I screamed. The grey wolf looked at me will its creepy brown eyes. Two other wolves came out of nowhere and attacked the grey wolf.

I got up and tried to run away. I ran back into the direction of the house but my ankle started getting worse. I pushed myself to keep running and finally found the house.

The sun was out and Celeste rushed outside with the others behind her. When they saw me they ran to me. "Blake are you ok?" Celeste asked me. Thats when reality hit me. The panic rushed to me and I couldnt speak.

"Blake what happened?" Leah asked. I finally got the courage to speak.

"Th-there we-were wolves the size of bears fight near a river. They came out of nowhere." I said. Gabby and Celeste took me inside while Leah and Jane stayed outside.

Gabby got me a glass of water and Celeste bandaged my ankle. It swelled up when I ran. They tried to calm me down but I was to shocked. I couldn't process what I just saw.

"Can someone tell me why those wolves were big?" I asked. Thats when a man that looked like an older version of Jason walked in.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked.

"Yeah dad but..." Celeste ran up to him and whispered something in his ear.

Then it looked like they were talking without speaking then looked at me. "Tell her." Mr Thompson said. Celeste just shook her head. Then a woman with beautiful blonde her walked in and sat next to me.

"Hello dear. Im Celeste mom." She said.

"Im Blake." She smiled and then her smile disappeared.

"Im gonna tell you something but, you need to keep an open mind about this." She said.

Celeste seemed scared and I was just confused. What was going on? "What you saw in the woods was our pack warriors." She said. I looked at her confused. "We arent normal people. We're werewolves." They said. I laughed.

"Right. I think Im gonna go outside for a little." I said. I went outside to see the grey wolf again. Leah was standing in front of it. It charged at Leah and she turned into a wolf.

More wolves came out of nowhere and helped her. What did I just witness? My heart was going faster by the minute. I looked at Celeste. She came closer to me and I backed up.

Even though I had a sore ankle I ran away from there. I ignored there shouts and just kept running. I dont know how long I ran but I made it to my house. I went inside and tried to breath.

I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack. I sat in the living room and opened all the windows. I thought it would help but it didnt. I fell to the floor. I heard the door open and footsteps coming closer.

I looked to see my mom. "BLAKE!" She screamed and ran to me. "Breathe Blake breathe." She said in a panic. Thats when Eric walked in.

"What happened?" He looked worried and tried to help.

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now