Chapter 6/Edited

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The holidays finally started. I was still in bed on my laptop, looking for a gym. There were only two. The Star and K's power. I closed my laptop and got dressed. I put on a shorts with a white top. I went downstairs to see my mom taking off her cast.

Its been two weeks and she could finally take it off. She got it off and she seemed happy. "Happy to have the cast off?" I asked.

"Very. Well, I have work to catch up on and you can do whatever you want." She said.

She grabbed her car keys and left. Why did she have to be a workaholic? I grabbed my phone and left the house. I walked towards The star gym and went inside.

I walked around and ended up at the receptionist. "Hi. Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yeah. How can I get a membership?" I asked. She took out some files and handed it to me.

"Fill these out. Everything you need to know is there." She explained. I read through the papers and found it good. Only had to pay two hundred bucks per month.

I signed the papers and gave it to the receptionist. "Would you like to pay in advance for this month?" She asked. I took out two hundred bucks and handed it to her. "Here is you membership card. Let me get someone to show you around."

She picked up the phone and called someone. I tall guy walked up to me. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He was built. "Hi. Im Aaron." He introduced himself.

"Im Blake."

"Follow me. I'll show you around." He said. I followed him and he showed me around. He showed me the locker rooms, where the bathrooms were and a cafeteria with protein shakes.

He showed me everything and which locker is mine. "And here is your gym bag." He handed me a blue gym bag that said 'The Star'.

"Thanks. I'll come around tomorrow." I said. He showed me the exit and I left.

I walked back home to drop my gym bag at home. After that, I went to look for a job. Just to keep me occupied. I stopped a cafe called 'Bunny Burrow'. Why does everything have weird names?

I walked in and to the guy standing behind the counter. "Hi. Can I get you something?" He asked.

"Is there perhaps a job opening?" I asked.

"Come with me." He said.

I followed him behind the counter and to the manager's office. He knocked on the door and went inside. The manager gestured for me to sit and told the other man to leave.

"What can I do for you miss..."

"Blake Parker." He smiled and started again.

"What can I fo for you miss Parker?" He asked.

"I would like a part time job. Just until school starts." I explained.

He had a smile but then it disappeared. "I would love to give you a job but there isn't an opening right now. Im sorry Miss Parker but the answer is no." He explained. There goes my plans for avoiding the wolves.

"Thats ok. Maybe next time." I said. I got up and left. I just felt upset. I wanted to keep busy, to keep my mind off of everything. I went back home and went straight to my bathroom to take a cold shower.

I grabbed my towel and got in the shower. The cold water ran down my body cooling my skin. I felt relaxed. I let my hair get wet and closed my eyes. Getting lost in my own thoughts.

Going to a calm place in my mind. I took a few deep breaths then opened my eyes. I turned off the shower and dried off. I put on a sweat pants and a black top.

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now