Chapter 33 /Edited

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"Will you marry me?" Eric asked. I was crying tears of joy.

"Yes. Yes, yes, a hundred times." I said and Eric picked me up and kissed me. He placed me on the bed and put the ring on my finger.

Eric took off his top and started kissing me. This kiss felt different somehow. It felt so passionate and like he is trying to be as gentle as possible. I kissed him back and he climbed on top of me.

He took off my clothes, leaving me in my underwear. He kissed down to my neck where he marked me. He took off the rest of his clothes and unclipped my bra and tore my panties. I moaned as he went further down.

He went down to my pussy and started licking. I moaned as he blew onto my wet core. He came back up and kissed me again. I could feel his member against my thigh.

He looked at me and his eyes were blood red. He smashed down on my lips and put his member in me. I gasped and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue in. With every thrust, I moaned louder.

He went down to my neck and marked me again. He licked my opened wound and I felt something warm down there. He pulled his member out of me and we had to catch our breaths. Eric settled down next to me and pulled me closer.

"Im glad your my mate." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and snuggled closer to Eric. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The sun shined in through the balcony doors and I wanted to sleep. I turned around and felt a pair of hands pull me close to them. "Morning princess." Eric said.

"Morning." I said. I opened my eyes and saw Eric was looking at me.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. I smiled. I was about to reply when I felt sick. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

I slammed the door and puked in the toilet. I heard the door open and Eric held my hair back. "Blake. Are you ok?" Eric asked. I could hear the panic in his voice.

I sat next to the toilet and nodded a yes. "Lets get dressed. I want Vanessa to take a look at you." He said.

"No. Im fine." I said. I got up and walked back into the room. I sat on the bed and Eric walked into the closet. He came back out with clothes and underwear for me.

"Get dressed." He said as he started to get dressed himself.

I got dressed and tied my hair in a bun. Eric let me wear a sweatpants and a black top. He let me wear his hoodie again and I tied my hair into a messy bun.

We walked out of the room and towards Vanessa office. Eric opened the door while Vanessa was busy with one of the pups. "Alpha. Luna. What brings you here?" She asked as the pup ran out of the room.

I sat on a chair cause I felt nauseous again. "She isnt feeling well. Do you think you can give her a check up?" Eric asked.

Vanessa walked towards the medical room and we followed behind her. I sat on one of the beds and she did a few check ups. "Nothing seems to be wrong with her." Vanessa said.

The door opened and Harry popped in. "Alpha, the beta from the diamond moon pack is here to speak with you." He said. Eric kissed me on the cheek and I smiled.

"Ill be right back." He said and left the room. Vanessa was smirking.

"Arent you two in love." She said.

"Yeah." I held up my hand and looked at the ruby ring and heard Vanessa gasp.

"Did Eric propose?" She asked.

"Yeah. You didnt know." I said. She shook a no and jumped in excitement.

"Congrats. I never knew alpha was such a romantic." Vanessa said.

Her smile then dropped and she walked into another room. "Vanessa." I called out. She pulled out an ultrasound machine and lifted my shirt. She put some type of jell on me and checked my belly.

She moved the stick thing around my belly and she was concentrated on the picture that showed on the screen. She smiled and and cleaned the jell off my stomach.

She put the machine off and turned off the machine. "Vanessa. Why did you do that?" I asked her. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Blake. You should take it easy for a while cause... your pregnant!" She said. I was shocked. I looked down at my stomach and rubbed my belly.

I got up and walked out the room. Vanessa grabbed my arm and I turned to her. "Blake. This time I mean it. We are still at war with the vampires and rogue wolves. You need to stay out of trouble. Rest more." She said.

I nodded a yes and walked out the room. I walked down the hallway and saw Hannah and Nate kissing in the hallway. "You two need to get a room." I said and they instantly broke their kiss.

I giggled and walked towards them. "Is Eric back yet?" I asked.

"No. He is in his office talking to the beta from the diamond moon. His name is Clark I think." Nate said.

I thanked him for telling me and went to the kitchen. I was starving. I looked in the fridge and took out chicken, sausage, steak, a salad and left over bacon. I pilled some on my plate and starting eating. No one was around cause they were either training or on patrol.

Eric doesnt let anyone come into our territory without a reason. So patroling teams doubled since I got back. I felt a pair of arms on my shoulders and Eric's scent hit my nose.

"Are you this hungry?" He asked and took one of my bacon strips.

"Thats mine." I said. He ate the bacon and smirked.

"Did Vanessa find anything wrong with you?" He asked. I looked down to my belly and smiled. "Is something wrong?" Eric asked worried.

"Nothing is wrong Eric. Its just that..." I stopped mid sentence.

"That?" Eric continued. I took his hand and placed it on my belly and smiled at him.

"We're going to be parents."

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now