Chapter 21 /Edited

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Hi guys. Thank u so much for reading my book. I know i dont update a lot but I am busy with another book and life outside wattpad amd story writing. Here is chapter of Eric's pov. Hope u like it. 😊❤😊


Eric's  pov

When Blake left I felt bad. I didnt go with or talk to her before she left. I felt a pang in my heart to see her so sad. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen. I got something to eat then went to training.

"Alright everyone. I want 10 laps around the house." I said. The guys took off and I had to make sure they didn't slack off. It took them 30 minutes to do their laps. Once they were done we did some other training exercises.

Training went on for two hours. I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water when my phone started to ring. I checked to see it was Vanessa. Why is she calling? Is something wrong with Blake? I had thousands of questions.

I was about to pick up the phone but I hesitated. What if it's bad news? I put my phone off and leaned against the wall. What is wrong with me? I went up to my room and took a shower.

After my shower I got dressed and went downstairs to find Penny waiting for me. "Why are you here?" She asked me. I looked at her and didn't say anything. "Your supposed to be with Blake. She needs you and your here trying to avoid going."

"She doesn't need me." I said.

"Yes she does. Vanessa called me. She told me you weren't answering your phone." Penny said. I didnt know what to do. I just wanted to be alone. "Blake was bitten. Vanessa said it could be a vampire or wolf bite since Blake said she was with a vampire and a wolf." Penny said.

I looked at her completely shocked. My blood started boilling. Someone bit Blake. "Penelope. Tell me what Vanessa said." I said in a deep demanding voice.

Penelope took a step back in fright. "There was bite marks on her shoulder. Blake said a wolf helped her when she got away from Jonathan." Penelope said. I walked past her and ran to the hospital.

Thanks to my supper speed u  got to the hospital in twenty minutes. I saw Nate in the waiting room talking to Vanessa. I walked up to them and Nate looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Where's Blake?" I asked.

Nate stayed quiet and so did Vanessa. I grew angrier by the minute. "Where is Blake?!" I yelled.

"She took off." Nate said.

"Where?" I asked.

"She got upset you didn't come to the hospital that she took the car and drove off. She went back to the pack house." Vanessa said.

I took my phone out and tried to call her. It kept going to voice mail. If I left now, maybe I could get to her. "Stay here in case she comes back." I said.

I rushed out of there. I ran to the forest and shifted when I was there. I ran as fast as I could to get to the pack. I was so stupid. I should've gone with her.

I got to the pack house and Jonathan was laying on the ground outside the pack house. I shifted back and walked up to him. He stood up and he was full of blood. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Your girl has gone crazy." He said. I punched him in his face and he fell back to the ground. "And your just as crazy Eric. She was here then she drove off." He said. I picked him up by his shirt.

"Where did she go?" I asked him. Gabriel and Oliver came out of the house to see what was happening. 

"If I knew, I wouldn't tell you." He said and smirked. I threw him to the ground.
"Take him to the dungeon. Lock him up. Im gonna find Blake." I said. I shifted and ran towards Blake's house.

The sun was slowly starting to set. I got to her house and shifted back. "Blake!" I called out. I walked into the living room and saw a map on the table. I looked at it and there was a red pin on a open field.

Why would she want to go there? Thats outside the territory. I went out and shifted. I ran towards the field but it was far out. It took me about an hour before I got there. She was driving Nates car so I had to keep a look out.

I got to the field and saw a guy getting off the ground. Why is everyone on the ground today? When he got up I realised it was Edward. That backstabbing wolf.

Edward Hale was kicked out of my pack years ago for kidnapping my sister to give to the vampires. He never like me and my family and would do anything to hurt us. I walked closer to him and growled, grabbing his attention.

"A-a-alpha." He stuttered. He looked scared and that was good. I wasn't happy. I wanted to know where Blake was. "Your luna was just here. She left not to long ago." He said. I growled at him. How did he know about Blake?

I ran back in the direction of the pack. The moon was already out. The forest was dark. I stopped when I cought Blake's scent but it was different. I followed the scent and found Nate's car. I looked in by the window but I only saw her phone.

Her scent still lingered around the car but there was no sign of her. I was about to take off when I heard a loud growl. I turned around but no one was there. It must be a rogue. I let out a warning growl so they would back off.

I wolf then walked out from behind the trees. Their fur was white as snow and their eyes were a light chestnut colour. The wolf looked familiar. Thats when I got a wiff of their scent. The wolf smelled just like Blake.

The wolf. Is Blake. I walked closer and she backed away. She was a wolf. How? Thats when I remembered that she was bitten. Edward must've bitten her. I tried getting closer to her but she growled.

She seemed scared. Her tail was between her legs and it looked like she was ready to run away. I stepped back and sat down. I heard her whimper then she growled immediately after. No doubt, she was scared.

She took a sniff then she looked me in my eyes. She stayed like that for a few minutes then her tailed slowly wagged a little. Blake slowly walked towards me. She stood right in front of me.

I licked the side of her face and she took a step back. She seemed confused. I stood up and shifted back into my human form. Blake looked at me in surprise. "Blake. Is that you?" As much as her scent was the same, I still wasnt 100 percent sure it was her.

Her tail wagged faster amd she jumped on me. I landed on the floor and she layed on me. She licked me in my face and I was full of her slobber. "Blake stop. Im happy to see you too." I said.

She stopped licking me and just layed on me. She was damn heavy. "Blake get off." I said. She got up and got off me. I stood up and patted her head. She then looked down but I didn't know what she was staring at.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. I looked down at myself and realised that I was naked. Now I know what she is staring at. "Blake, eyes up here." I said and she looked up. "Ok to shift back just think of your human self." I said.

I took a step back and Blake shifted into her normal self. I ran to her and helped her up. "Eric. Your here." She said. She sounded weak and tired. I picked her up and took her to the car. I placed her on the passenger seat and threw a blanket over her.

I grabbed some clothes that were in the back of the car and put the clothes on. I started the car and drove off to the pack house. Once I got to the pack house I got out and took Blake out.

I made sure the blanket covered her and took her inside. I went up to our room and placed her on the bed. I took out clothes and underwear and dressed Blake. I sat next to her on the bed and covered her with the blankets. Her skin was cooling down.

I knock on the door cought my attention and I got up to see who it was. I opened the door to see Vanessa. "Is she here?" She asked.

"Yeah." I let her in to check on Blake.

"Do you know who bit her?" Vanessa asked me.

"It was Edward Hale." I said. Vanessa looked shocked then avioded eye contact. She checked Blake's heart beat then packed her things away.

"Her temperature went down and she is getting better. I will leave now." She said and left.

When she left I locked the door and layed next to Blake. I pulled her close to me and held her in a bear hug. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I was not going to let Blake go.

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now