Chapter 36 /Edited

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"How is that a win? Did Eric agree to this?" I looked at Eric and he seemed just as shocked as I was.

"Thats why we called both of you here. So Eric. Do you want that position?" Rosaline asked. I looked at Eric and he seemed a bit nervous. He sighed and looked at me.

"The idea isnt terrible. Blake would still be royalty but she doesnt want a royal life. I would accept the offer but in the end, I still need Blake to agree with me." Eric said and I smiled.

"Then you can run the wolf kingdom and Blake can come to California with us."Llyod said. I glared at them and they shut their mouths.

"I still dont want that position so the answer is no." I said. My aunt got mad and stormed out. Everyone left the room. It was only me and Eric.

"Blake. Maybe you should rethink things. Your father didn't want the crown because he wanted you to have a normal carefree life. If we take it, then not only will our child have a royal life but a safe one. With that authority we can keep our family safe." Eric said.

I was about to speak when I felt the ground rumble. It felt like an army was coming. "Somethings coming." I said. We ran out of the house and when we got outside, vampires and rogues were everywhere.

The packs joined us. Some shifted and some stayed in their human form. "Give up. We wont stop until Blake is dead." Jonathan said.

"Then we wont go out without a fight." Eric said. The wolves growled and Eric held me back. "Its best if you fight from a distance." He said.

I went to the back of everyone and Penny, Celeste, Jane, Gabby, Hannah and Lexi stood around me in wolf form. They were going to prrotect me.

This could be it. The final battle between wolves and vampires. "I, BLAKE PARKER ACCEPT MY ROYAL AS FUTURE QUEEN!" I yelled. I spotted my aunt and she looked surprised.

They were right. The only way to keep peace is if the cursed wolf continued to be the royals. And with a hybrid mate by my side, we will be unstopable.

Eric shifted into his hybrid form and howled. The sun was about to set and a battle of death begun. They fought and didnt stop till they saw blood. The rogues were dropping like flies. It didnt look like they need my help.

Bonnie and her mate Ashton walked towards us. There were vampires with them. "Bonnie. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking the thrown from you. You dont deserve it." She said. They attacked but the girls fought back. I waa about to go inside when vampires surrounded me. There was one person that I recognized. Edward.

"Hello sweetheart. Lets go somewhere else shall we." He said. The vampires came closer and so did Edward. I closed my hands and waited. "Your pathetic." Edward said.

"Thats what you think." I said. A tornado formed behind Edward. He turned in fear. They ran but they were cought in the tornado. I turned to everyone else and saw some of the pack members struggling. I focused on those who needed help and lighting struck down.

Then I split the ground in two. The pack member threw the enemies down into the lava. I brought strorm clouds and a strorm hit us. It didnt affect the pack but it did the vampires and rogues.

"Eric!" I called out. Even though I created the storm, the fog still blinded me. I walked around and looked for someone. I wasnt safe alone.

Some one grabbed my arm and I looked to see Jonathan. "This time, Ill kill you." He took out a knife and was about to stab me. I pushed out of the way and hit the ground hard. I looked to see my mom.

Laying on the ground bleeding. In that instant, I was in raged. I got up and turned to Jonathan. Jonathan smirked at me. The storm cleared and all the chaos was gone. Everyone was still fighting but I had enough.

I saw Penny limping her way to fight Bonnie. "Your all going to die." I whispered. I placed my hamd on my stomach and remembered something my dad told me. I could create my own chaos.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them, they were red. The wind swirled around me forming a massive tornado. The only difference was it was red. Flames spinned in the tornado and just got bigger. Everyone was scared.

Everyone started running. I knew this wouldnt hurt my pack but it would hurt my enemies. As the tornado expanded, my pack was safely inside it just like me. When it reached the ends of the territory, it disappeared.

I rushed to my mom and held her in my arms. "Mom. Please dont leave me." I begged as she took my hand. Tears swelled up in my eyes.

My mom smiled at me. My cousins rushed to my side to help. "I will always love you. Look after yourself." My mom said. Her hand dropped to the ground and she stopped breathing.

Eric ran to me and held me close. The tears streamed down my face as I silently cried. "Its ok. Its ok." Eric whispered. Everyone was taken to the pack doctor and so was I.

Everyone got some wounds and bruises. Some didnt make it and we found out there were traitors amoung us. They were gone now and we were finally safe.

We learned that most vampires disagreed on joing the fight and wanted peace. Explains why they seeked help from the rogues. I was still sad about my mom but everyone made me smile and cheered me up.

Even my cousins decided to help. We all helped Celeste and her pack get there home back from the rogues who were living there.

It took a while but we finally got their home back. I wont lie, it took a while to help them rebuild their home. The only problem I had to deal with now is Jason.

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now