Chapter 25 /Edited

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Eric's  pov

I tried to figure out where Blake went but I had no idea. I walked around the pack asking everyone if they saw Blake. No one knew where she went. I was about to check her house when I saw she took my car.

Thats when Mrs Parker pulled up. "Eric. Did Blake come here?" She asked me.

"No. Im trying to find her." I said.

She looked worried. "Did something happen?" I asked. She told me evrything she told Blake. When she told me the part where Blake drove off I started to call her. Mrs Parker went to tell my parents while I tried to get a hold of Blake.

I went inside and my parents and Mrs Parker was waiting in the living room. "She isnt answering her phone." I said. Penny and our friends showed up and waited for someone to speak.

"She couldn't have gotten far. Gabriel and Nate, try to track her. Lexi, I want you and five other people in cars and searching the road." I said. I balled my hand into a fist.

"I will help Nate and Gabe. Im not going to stay here." I said. We all went out and searched for Blake.

I ran and shifted and so did Nate and Gabe. We decided to go separate ways.

I ran in the direction of the river while the others went a different way. Once I got to the river I saw nothing. Thats when I got her scent. I looked around and saw the car.

I ran towards it and no one was there. I sniffed around and got her scent. I followed it over the river and followed her scent.

I followed it for a few miles. I was already out of my territory and I had to watch out for rogues. Blake's scent lead me to a cliff that over sees the ocean. I looked around but Blake wasnt anywhere.

I shifted back to my normal form and looked around. "Blake!" I called out. She didn't seem to be anywhere. I shifted back and was about to leave when I had a weird feeling. I looked over the cliff and a few rocks fell. Thats when I saw some fur trapped between some rocks.

'Blake! Blake can you hear me!?"  I called through the mind link. I got no answer. I ran down the the small mountain and went down to the beach.

I walked on the beach and looked around. I looked around out to the water and saw white fur float on the water. It was BLAKE!

I ran into the water and pulled her out of the water. When I got her out of the water I shifted back and checked her. Her head was bleeding and I started to panic. Then her body shifted itself back to her human form.

I picked her up and ran back to the car. I used my speed and we got there in a few minutes. I looked in my car and pulled out some clothes and a blanket. I dressed myself and Blake then put her in the car.

I tied some bandages that was in the car around Blake's head. I drove back to the pack as fast as I could. When I was close to the house, I mindlinked Vanessa to get ready for Blake.

When I got to the house I took Blake out of the car and carried her bridal style into the house. I rushed to the emergency room, where Vanessa was waiting.

I placed her on the bed. "What happened?" Vanessa asked.

"I dont know. She was in the ocean and her head was bleeding." I said. A few other wolves walked in.

"Alpha, please wait outside." Vanessa said and pushed me out.

I sat on a chair outside the room. I waited impatiently. Everyone then came running towards me and Mrs Parker was the first to speak. "Is she ok?" She asked.

I was to worried to answer. I couldn't stop picturing how I found her. Motionless, floating in the ocean, bleeding from her head. "Eric answer me." Mrs Parker said.

"I.....I found her in the ocean. She is bleeding from the head." I said. They all looked terrified. Mrs Parker wanted to go in but my mom stopped her.

"They will tell us when we can go in." My mom said. Mrs Parker started crying.

"This is my fault." She said. My mom tried comforting her. I stayed quiet.


Its been four hours and Vanessa was still with Blake. I was about to walk in when Vanessa came out. "How is she?" I asked her.

"She hit her head pretty hard but she will be fine." Vanessa said. Everyone sighed in relief and I walked in. I looked at Blake. She was laying there with a bandaid around her head. I took her hand and she started to wake up.

She looked at me and I couldn't help but smile. "Vanessa! She's awake." I said. Vanessa walked in and checked Blake.

"Blake. How are you feeling?" Vanessa asked.

"Im feel fine. My head hurts a bit." Blake said. She looked at me and pulled her hand away from mine. Vanessa looked at me then back at Blake. Mrs Parker then walked in.

"Blake. Do you know who we are?" Vanessa asked. Blake looked at us then to her mom. She looked back at Vanessa.

"No. How did I get here?" She asked.

"Blake its me." I said. I tried taking her hand but she moved away. "Im sorry but I dont know you." She said. My wolf whimpered. Mrs Parker sat next to Blake.

"Blake. Whats the last thing you remember?" Mrs Parker asked.

"Moving here. Why?" Blake said. She has no memory of wolves. Or me. I walked out furious. I ran out of the house. I ran into the forest and shifted. I ran to the lake and once I got the, I howled in pain.

My mate doesn't know me. She cant remember anything.

My Human Mate/ Edited Where stories live. Discover now