1- History

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1796 AD

"A Century ago in this Bacein. There was a bloody war that killed countless warriors.

Two warring factions called Toset and Kablan. We can say Toset was on the side of power while Kablan was for peace in the world.

Each faction had three clans. Skargaz, Toro and Kempo clans for Toset who were really greedy and killers of peace.

They were never whole human back then. However, Kolan, Zake and Skaletta clans were the heroes forever even now.

After the war ended with the victory of Kablan in the sacrifice of the Kolan clan, all the clans were scattered over the nations and had their own lives instead of thinking about the war again that cost their loved one's life.

Now all those clans are called Mafia clans or somewhat underwo.....Vito!", the bald professor with a grey mustache, chubby cheeks, snubbed nose, dressed in light blue and a suspended leather holder across his shirt with a name label on his sleeve 'Riktor Gor' who is triggered. He is one of the most angriest and feared professor in this city of Nilandoria, the capital of Bacein.

He snaps out his finger against a young tall male student who has a brunette quiff haircut with his clean shaved tan skin and a grey uniform, peaky nose, being sleepyhead during the lecture of Professor Gor.

Riktor takes a black filthy duster from the board and throws it at Vito which hits his head like a bullseye shot. Vito gasps out of fear and wakes up quickly while speaking out of his mind, "Shut your ass up, Goalie!".

The whole classroom turns as silent a space in the Milky Way until the professor breaks the silence, "Is this place applicable for sleeping and speaking reckless words, Mr Vito Skaletta?"

Vito shakes his head and grits his teeth, "No, sir. I am very sorry for this. I won't do that again, I promise and what was the lecture again?"

The whole class busts out of laughter following his words before the professor raises his index finger. They get quiet and Riktor points his finger against the board that shows a chalk-written topic 'The Second Nation War'.

Vito grits his teeth and nods his head quickly, "I am very sorry for not noticing that sir. Please pardon me".

Professor scoffs strongly and gives him an evil glare, "First, you slept during the lecture, and then you forgot what the topic was. That's not something a student shall have in themselves, and this is not the first time to spare your inconsistency, Vito Skaletta. I hereby give you 3 hours of detention during the soccer tournament. I hope this will give you the motivation to focus on your study."

Vito gasps and shakes his head stiffly, "No, please, sir. Don't do that, I promise I will not sleep. I will be focused, please, it's my hard-earned tournament I got there, please, sir"

Other students in the class laugh at him as a young male of blonde flow haircut, grey eyes, with his fair olive skin tone, straight nose and oval shaped jawline, gets up who seems to be a handsome one of them, "Well, seems like someone gonna cry like an infant", the whole class laughs out.

Professor eyes that boy and frowns deeply, "Seems like someone wants to share the part of the punishment from the football guy... You are detained for 4 hours, Nasaf Skargaz".

Nasaf grits his teeth and sits down silently.

A young girl with a light brown beehive hair cut, a fair skinned, round black eyes, thin lips with a roman nose and a curved eye brows, who is known to be the most talented female student of Professor Gorr gets up as she is apparently shy before speaking up, "Sir, I would like to speak."

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