Episode 15

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Old Friend

Masaf immediately gets to hug him deeply before Jake kicked his gut and puts his feet over his chest with a wave of high anger, "Bastard! Rich ass shit! I waited many moments, months, years. You never got me out of jail! Fuck you, scaredy cat!".

Masaf grunts in pain, "Gah, I already got beaten up breakfast, spare me, Jake. Lemme explain!".
Jake scoffs before releasing the pain, "Explain me, Bitch!". 

Masaf coughs harder before resting at the prison bar, "Mate... I was useless... drunk, divorced, lost my sister, I thought you died. Never got any emails", he starts to sob after speaking out about his life.

Jake sighs, "Vaan made you so soft than a baby's ass. Even changed your attitude. You were a fucking bully like me and our friends", he sits beside him and pats his shoulder.

Masaf sniffles, "At least he saw me as a person, he knew my internal pain and sufferings, saved my son many times, saved me even from my father. Now he thinks I betrayed him".

Jake scoffs, "Don't be a good man, we are the monsters, remember? We are the badass in our era. Now let's just survive here. It might be your first time in prison".

Masaf pauses before turning to him with a demented expression, "It's my 8th time, mate", he looks away before speaking again, "Just not in Junction C".

Jake sighs while patting his back in a tough motion, "I got your back, bruh. Let's bring our childhood memories and burn those hatchet we had after I was imprisoned".

Masaf nods slowly, "I just hope everything goes well outside, my son is too dumb and emotional. I wasn't that dumb either, and neither was my father".

At Skargaz Manor

Nasaf uses the telephone to communicate with a lawyer, "My father is in jail, please, he is innocent, there is no way he uses a weapon, nor shooting people. He is just a man of the manor paying taxes on time".

An old man speaks on the telephone in the Federal Court office, "There is no evidence of his innocence, young boy. He is indeed the criminal".

Nasaf sighs with his anger, "He sheltered you when you were a filthy homeless shit! You call him this, Bafos?".

Bafos sighs before chuckling out, "Those are just a part of the past. He helped me, I kept my mouth shut. My work is done, I could have guaranteed his length of sentence more".

Nasaf yells out and breaks the telephone violently against the desk before kicking the desk off, "Ungrateful shits. He deserves to die", his eyes were filled with fits of anger.

A maid emerges to him, "Nasaf, calm down. Mrs Reis has taken the responsibility of saving the boss".

Those words got into his ears before turning to her, "Mrs Reis?", he lets out a sigh and starts to feel calmer, "Mariada's mother is helping father... That means Mariada...", he keeps thinking about her as he is too grateful to her.

In the city of Nilandoria, many political parties started holding banners of each of their logo for the election votes since the President announced the elections of which council shall be the next president after him.

At the election stage where the candidates give their speech as a promise to the citizens, Kiera Hoston takes the stage before raising her hand to show respect to the republic, "I, Kiera Hoston of Nilandoria, promise to increase the economic efficiency and the growth of food production in this land of liberty. Vote me for the future of Bacein. Diz Bacein!".

Crowds chant her for the speech that increases their morale
for her.

Garry Loaf joins the stage with a deep breath to release before giving out his promise, "I, Garry Loaf, of Bhuzef, promise this land of liberty to create a home shelter for homeless and unfortunate, no taxes for a year who donates charity and everyday supplies to homeless every day with discounted foods for everyone in this country. Vote me for the humanity of Bacein! Diz Bacein!".

Crowds chant more for him when he exits the stage with a salute to the crowds.

Later, Aaron Maskin walks up to the stage, people respect him because of his past contributions to the Nilandoria although he is a council of Shadvia.

He looks at the crowds chanting for him already before he speaks, "My lovely fellows in this beautiful country... I, Aaron Maskin, of Shadvia, promise to protect this country from enemies, being independent and immune to unexpected attacks on us, I promise to unban the weaponry and let the armies have the weaponry to military only instead of swords and daggers. I want our motherland to be saved from being a victim, free from drops of blood. Vote me for the protection of this land of liberty. Diz Bacein!".

Most of the crowds don't chant for him due to his speech since no one believes there will be any war in Bacein. Rather, they turn to being disappointed with his speeches when he exited the stage.

The campaign for election keeps going on after the speech.

After a week

At the Nilandoria Court

Masaf's trial begins since he was the first person to be suspected, many Skargaz members and skaletta members were there. Kadiz enters the court with his members. Nasaf rushes into the court with his fit suit and well-groomed but his expression is only concerned about his father's trial. Later Moira enters and gets to Masaf's side to wait for his arrival.

In a wagon on its way to the court, Masaf with his hands chained with the bars being taken on the way, coughs before gazing at the female police for long.

Female police look back at him, "Don't look at me, criminal". Masaf keeps his glare on her, "Your mother will not be pleased with you arresting an innocent family man like me".

She scoffs, "Stop bluffing". Masaf winks with an evil smile, "you sure I don't know Emily Hodson?".

She gasps deeply before backing away, "How do you know about my mother?!".
He rolls his eyes, "Cuz I wasn't bluffing, young lady". She grumbles before yelling at the driver to get them to reach the court faster.

The wagon stops before the court after an hour as police take him into the court.
As he is taken into the trial hall, Nasaf looks at him and gasps, "Father!".

Masaf grunts a bit before he is taken on the criminal stand, he looks over at Nasaf before giving him a nod and mouths a word, "Don't worry".

Moira stands as the trial begins, "Your honour, I am Moira Reis, lawyer of Masaf Skargaz for this trial. Let me explain his background".

 The judge nods before Moira continues, "Masaf Skargaz has a business regarding the farms in the Bhuzef territory. The reflective guns you see the prints in, are the fingerprints of his late father".

Masaf looks at her before nodding to her words even though he knows of his fake ownership over the farming business.

Opponent lawyer interrupts, "I am Javet, supreme police sergeant in Nilandoria, I believe it's a plot to just leave this criminal away, his father died 7 years ago, and the fingerprints are new. I request for the review of the evidence".

Moira glares at Javet before turning to Judge, "Your honour, I would love to show the evidence".

Judge shrugs, "Not until the defendant speaks about his appeal".
Masaf stands dozing off before nodding, "I say, I am innocent, 100%". The judge nods, "Such confidence, let's see".

Moira nods, "Yes, here is the proof", a lady presents the reflective guns that were in the stacks and shows the fingerprints to the Judge. Having a close look at the guns as the Judge keeps inspecting them until he concludes after matching with citizen fingerprints data and gun fingerprints, "according to the record, I am regretfully announcing that Masaf is found GUILTY since the fingerprints are matched".

Those words struck his mind before looking at Moira with high disappointment.
Moira gasps before she shakes her head, "No, that cannot be, it may be a mixed one".
Judge clears his throat, "For the security of this country, Moira Reis, you are suspended from being a lawyer in this country. You are hereby given a month to move out of this Bacein to avoid your family getting arrested", he hammers.

Moira shakes her head while her tears fall, "No, please. Please, judge", she is taken outside the court before the Judge nods, "And as for the final judgment for Masaf Skargaz, you are sentenced to DEATH for weaponry and letting your lawyer present the fake evidence. Since you are from the first class family, your sentence will be served after a month".

Nasaf yells out, "No! Father!".

Masaf looks down as he is depressed before he is taken out of the trial hall.

Nasaf rushes to him through the police, "Father, there must be the other way!".

Masaf holds him to his hold, "Son, you need to be strong, don't be a boss like me, be better. Follow Vaan's leadership. Forget about your old man".

Police drag Masaf into the Wagon before locking the door of it as it drives away.

Nasaf sobs while watching his father taken away and breaks down on the floor depressed.

To Be Continued

Next Episode 16 – Promise Me, Ally

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