Episode 20

11 2 0

Bitter Past

40 years ago

1759 AD

Nilandoria Middle School

Young Mifa at the age of 8, silently walks towards the classroom that is filled with children at her age. Her best friend, Raiqe comes to her and giggles as she shows her a blue stoned necklace, "Mifa, look, I got a beautiful necklace from my father".

Mifa smiles slightly before hugging her, "You look beautiful, Raiqe. I am proud of you".
Raiqe chuckles, "Thanks, So what are your grades for promotion, anyway? I bet you passed Politics".

Mifa looks down at her paper, "I got an F in politics".
Raiqe sighs, "You didn't study?".
Mifa shakes her head slowly, "It is boring. I just want to be a doctor in future, what will the politics do with me?".
Every kid stands as the teacher enters. It is Merfo Piu, a middle school teacher with a moustache, "Hello, I am Merfo, just call me sir, I love that".
Raiqe smiles, "Look, he seems friendly, maybe this quarter will be fantastic.
After 3 hours of mathematics study, Merfo lectures the timetable math, "So here, if we multiply 49 by 23, the answer is 1130".

Mifa interrupts, "Sorry, sir. The answer is 1,127".
Merfo pauses in shock before getting embarrassed as some of the students seem to laugh quietly.

He puffs his moustache before nodding, "Thanks for pulling out the mistake, dear. What's your name?".

She softly speaks, "Mifa Skargaz, sir".
Merfo nods, "Good name, worst family", he chuckles before getting back to lecture.
Mifa looks down, trying to avoid feeling bad after he mocked her family.
After school time ends, Merfo stops Mifa, Raiqe and other girls who laughed at him for his mathematics mistake, "Little girls, there is a secret to getting an A star in maths", he closes the door and comes to them with a smile.

Little girls giggle in excitement about getting to know a shortcut to excel in the grades.
Mifa looks up at him, "What is it, sir?".
Merfo immediately grabs Raiqe who is squeaking in fear, "This way", he pulls Raiqe's hair tightly as she screams but no one can hear her screaming due to the lack of people around.
Mifa gasps and runs to save Raiqe while other girls screaming and running around, "Please don't hurt her, sir!".

Raiqe screams in pain until Merfo kicks Mifa's belly away, throws Raiqe against the desks and yells, "Tell me you will embarrass me!".

Mifa sniffles and gets to hug Raiqe who was trying to breathe out while she bleeds, "I won't!". Merfo grabs two other screaming girls, "If you do it again!", he throws two little girls out of the open window those girls fall into a river where a couple of crocodiles are swarming around.

Mifa watches them suffering in the water as her trauma starts to trigger, her body doesn't move in fear, and her eyes go frozen watching such a disaster.

Merfo kneels before grabbing Raiqe, "And if you tell this to anyone... I will do the same to every girl in every collage of this Nilandoria. I won't be in trouble... Every citizen in this place supports me, sweetie".

Mifa's body shakes in fear and grief, her voice breaks repeatedly, "Why did you kill those girls?". Raiqe becomes weak due to extreme bleeding before Mifa sniffles, "Please take her to the hospital, sir".

Merfo looks at Raiqe before hugging her, "You dare to tell me what to do?".
Mifa pauses, "I request, sir".
Merfo glares at Mifa before snapping Raiqe's neck as she dies with her eyes wide open.
Mifa gasps before screaming in frighten until Merfo grabs her lips and whispers to her ear, "Listen to me... If you open your mouth... You have a newborn brother... remember? I know Skargaz has a new baby".

He sings in a psychotic way while Mifa tries to close her eyes to not see Raiqe's dead eyes but he forces her to see it, "Watch your future example!".
Mifa faints on his arm due to over-fear.

After she was taken home by Merfo, her eyes were filled with a dark shade that made it look like she was hallucinating after Merfo forced a pill into her mouth.
Lazaf hugs Mifa and rocks her, "Oh my dear daughter".
Infant Masaf bawls watching his sister being lifted to bed with closed eyes.
Merfo sighs, "She took drugs, Mr Skargaz. You should take care of her. I'm giving her 2 months of rest".

Lazaf frowns in disappointment to his daughter, "Such a disgrace in a family!".
Feora (Mifa and Masaf's mother) stops Lazaf, "Don't lay a hand on my children, Lazaf. I believe she thought it was candy".

Merfo leaves the house and starts lying about every girl's death by saying some of them were playing over the roof and fallen into the pond and told Raiqe's parents that she tried to perform a stunt from the balcony to make herself look cool followed by the death.

This way Merfo frees himself from getting away from crimes and secretly begins kidnapping little girls who were disobeying his teaching and sending them as slaves to the Aeradis and Zomania (The island of pirates) for a big amount of money.

After Mifa turned 18, she went to high school, and a new pervert teacher stopped her from taking dismissal, closing the door, and coming to her.

Mifa kept her eyes on him. Later she came out of the classroom with a dagger being stabbed the teacher's chest while her expression was cold, every time she checked for news about Merfo to take revenge on where he went and how she could find him to kill but Merfo was in Aeradis for a travel.

After she faked her death, founding out about Merfo who became a president but couldn't plan to kill him since Aeradis King had strong support for Merfo.

Killing Merfo Piu would lead to the destruction of Bacein.
She later killed Aeradis King passively after 22 years of planning while building her armies. Waiting for 3 more years, watching Masaf as a successful leader of Skargaz, she later planned to come out after Masaf got jailed.

Present Day

Mifa softly caresses the necklace of Raiqe on her hand that was extended length and wears it, "One day, I will kill every person who supported the monster who killed your innocent soul, Raiqe", she kissed the necklace before looking up at the moon.

At the Skaletta Manor

Vaan arrives before the members welcome him, Klethi sighs, "Boss, Skargaz Fourth is no more". He nods slightly in grief before shaking his head, "I hope he is in a better place. I heard the news that black armies are killing citizens one by one per night who support President Piu. We need to save him".

Every elder agrees, "Losing important citizens each night is a disaster for the future of this land, boss. We need to act quickly".

Vaan shakes his head, "No rush. This is Mifa we are planning to catch, not an ordinary person to kill, remember. I must apologize to Masaf in his grave but I cannot spare Mifa for him, country comes first.".

Jean gives some reports, "Crimes that Mifa did... bombarded the recent prison as per the nuclear shell was made of charcoals and nuclear chemicals inside it. It's only possible with black armies from the island 100 kilometres away from our country".

Vaan frowns, "No way, why will she plan to destroy the prison where her brother was... Oh my God, that means she killed Masaf?".

Klethi nods softly, "Or else there is no other way she could have motive".
Vaan closes his eyes controlling himself, "Alright, members... We need to lure her towards the location, then place hidden chemicals that can spread the toxic gas enough to case her inhaling lungs get blocked till her death. I will avenge Skargaz, no matter what".

Everyone agrees with him before the meeting ends.

At the centre of Nilandoria

Most of the buildings are attached with posters to find Mifa with her sketched face and a reward of 50 million bucks and 100 million bucks for assassinating her.

Every citizen from rich to poor witnesses that poster and starts getting greedy as they will do it no matter what.

At the Hut

Vito is eating desperately while Wasa and Mariada take a chair before him.
Wasa sighs, "Good thing I followed you like a dog, mate. Why did you run away so fast?".
Vito keeps eating as he is too hungry to talk back, been eating little food for ages.
Mariada looks at him, "Stop it, Wasa. He is too hungry, I feel so sad for him. I should stay with him".

Vito immediately looks at her, "Stay? What am I to you? Husband? Do not upset your mother, Mariada".

She blushes before shaking her head, "At least I can get you doughnuts from the restaurant that my father owns".

Wasa watches her eyes filled with love for Vito before turning to Vito with a wink, "Come on, listen to her, at least accept her foodie offer. Who doesn't want free donuts from a... pretty lady?".

Mariada gasps before pinching Wasa's left ear, "I'm not pretty".
Wasa gasps out, "Oh my left wing!".
Vito smiles at them, "Now I see, both Nasaf and Wasa love her. Congrats Mariada. You are lucky". She hides her blushing cheeks, "Just shut it. I'm not a lovely girl either".
The three of them laugh together, having their small hut memorable times.

To Be Continued

Next Episode 21 – Imposter

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