Let Me to the Valley Go

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The venerable Judge Slaed de Wilson stood at the window of his study at the Palace of Justice. The sun had just set and now he was looking out over the city. It was empty. No lights could be seen from the windows. Not a shout of a child nor of animals. Everything was silent. The city had lost its heart.

He expected joy, content. He expected an overwhelming sense of pride and great accomplishment. Instead, he felt guilt and conviction.

He looked to the church. "Beata Maria, I am a righteous man. I am proud of my virtue. I know that I am purer then the crowd that gathers out there for entertainment. They are common, vulgar, weak, and licentious. So tell me, Maria, what have I done wrong? What is this spirit inside that so torments me as the King Saul?"

He stepped over to the fireplace and stared at the dancing flames. "Why do I see him everywhere? Why do his dying eyes scorch deep into my heart? I see his face, full of laughter one moment, and then pouring forth pain the next. I hear his voice, strained, pleading...sacrificing. It's driving me mad! I can't help but feel a deep burning hate for him. A hellfire. That hatred so deep...it turned me to sin. I hope he tastes the fires of hell for what he has done!"

Images of the clergy surrounded him. They were pointing and accusing. "Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo er opere."

"It's not my fault! The gypsy, he is the one who brought this upon himself! I did what was best, I did right! This is God's will! He-he made the Devil so much stronger then mere men!"

"Mea culpa."

He recoiled. "Protect me Maria, don't let this unwarranted guilt faze me and crumple what I have worked so hard to accomplish in the name of The Lord! Don't let that boy's screams of agony sear my ears and shatter my heart. I have done no wrong!"

"Kyrie Eleison."

"God have mercy on me." He cried as he fell onto his face.

"Kyrie Eleison."

It was dusk. Garfield sat in the cathedral, staring at the stained glass window. He had no where else to go now. Richarde promised that they would return to Italy after he saved Kori. He could return by himself, but Bruno would most likely skin him alive. Besides, he didn't remember how to get there.

Paris was a ghost town thanks to Slaed. Luckily, people began to realize the mess was over and started to come out of hiding. Some had even come to the church to thank God for their safety.

"I'm surprised I came out relatively unscathed."

The door opened and Raven slipped in. The jester blushed and waved to her. She gave a soft smile and sat next to him. "You are troubled too?" She asked.

"Yeah, for the most part. Richarde was my partner in crime. It's going to be extremely odd on the streets."

"He was my best customer. It was because of him I knew Kori...and you." She smirked.

"Shop not getting any business?"

"Not really, no. More importantly, my father came home and he brought his new wife."


"He gave my shop to her as a wedding present."

"Well...that's not fair. Is she at least going to let you keep working there?"

"Oh yes. I'm allowed to work the whole thing...with little wages."

"That's ridiculous!"

"No kidding. It's not worth it either. She's a complete pain."

He held out his hand. "Welcome to the unemployed."

She gave a sardonic smile. "Thanks."

A large dark skinned man with a glass eye walked down the corridor with a sack on his shoulder.

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