A Lovely Flower

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Just for future references, I am not Catholic. I am protestant. Anything I learned about Catholicism was from Bible, English, and History class. And I loved the movie 'Luther'. So if I make a mistake, don't worry. There's a reason for it. If it bothers you, let me know. :)

It was a warm and bright morning. The city was busier than normal. Koriandre knew the moment that her eyes opened, that today was her favorite day of the year. The Festival de la Beautè. Every year, she would look down and watch as the crowd nominated the prettiest faces in Paris to stand on a stage in front of everyone. They would ask questions to the contestants and have them perform with their God given talents. From that, the crowd would cheer for their winner who would get flowers and a small crown. She knew that if she participated, she may not win, but she still longed to be up there, a part of the crowd.

She looked down onto the city, where men were working hard to get the stage set up. To her delight, the acrobat was busily working with the men. He was shimming up poles and tying ropes. She sighed as she watched him. She was jealous of his freedom, just able to do whatever he wanted.

"You are so lucky my friend."

"Who is lucky?" Slaed gripped her shoulder. She jumped.

"Master! You frightened me!"

"I apologize, now who where you speaking to?"

"I was speaking to myself, but in context to the acrobat. He is the only one I do not have in my miniature. Please, what is his name?"

"I don't have the time to ask beggars for their names."

"He is a beggar?"

"Of course. Descent people do not perform on street corners."

"Oh..." She sighed. Her gaze remained on the town below.

"Something troubles you?"

"As I have stately previously, he is the only figure I have not in my replica of the city...I was wondering if I could attend the festival to observe him...of course I would wear a guise, and maybe while I was down there, I could participate in the competition?" She smiled hopefully.

Instead of flat out refusing her, he decided to play with her. "Why would you want to enter such a superficial contest?"

"I have often noticed that my reflection in the mirror and the windows is quite pleasing to the eye. I think I may have a chance to win."

"My sweet Koriandre, what would you even do if you won?"

She paused a long time. "Well, I would file the memory away, just something to remember. So I would be content up here and not be so curious."

He seemed to think about it for a moment. Then he crossed his arms. His gray eye narrowing at her, the other hidden behind an eye patch. "I will save you the embarrassment. You would not win the pageant, nor even make a good impression. Your hair is out of control, and an unnatural color. Your eyes are buggish and strange. Your skin is too dark, and your figure is scrawny and disproportionate. You lack the proper etiquette to be a lady, and you do not even dress properly. Besides, what would you do for the talent portion?"

"I-I thought I might sing."

"You mean squawk? Please. You will regret even asking me to go." He turned to leave.

"Well, may I go without participating?"

"No." He shot her down. He said nothing else, and then left.

Instead of being sad, she was angry. "He barely looks at me when he's here. What does he know? He is not even married!" She looked in the mirror at her brazen reflection. "I am not hideous. I look different from other humans, but not extremely."

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