In Sweet Humility

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"...still, it was soup. Why would someone give up their birthright for that?"

Garfield and Victor were having a Bible discussion. Raven had fallen asleep sitting next to Gar, now she used his shoulder as a pillow. Kori sat next to Victor with her head resting on her knees. She had been waiting patiently and quietly.

"Well, he had been gone in the fields for days, probably starving. And you have to think, what else did they have to eat?"

"Still, it's soup! That is not the equivalent of a birthright! Why not trade a goat or something?!"

Victor chuckled. "It serves as an example of how desperate we can be to get what we want."

"Wow, how's that for practical application to recent events?"

"Congratulations, you just applied the Bible to real life."

Koriandre listened with little interest as her friends chatted. Her ears were tuned for a different sound.

"So then how did his father let him get away with it? I mean, if it was my kid I'd be like, 'Jacob, now give the birthright back to your brother, don't try to trick it out of him.'"

"If it was me, I'd say, 'Esau, why are you so foolish?'"

The two boys laughed before Kori jumped to her feet. They hushed before another ghostly groan moved through the room. Kori delicately moved the curtain aside to let sunlight into his resting place.

Richarde did not look much better than the night before. His eyes were shut tight and he clenched his sheets.

"Richarde? Darling, are you alright?" She reached out and held his hand.

He looked up at her with confused eyes. "W-where am I? Is this heaven?" He pulled his hand away and wrapped his arms around his chest. "No, this is not how it should feel. Why am I so cold?" He asked himself.

Garfield nudged Raven to wakefulness and Victor signaled them to leave. Richarde was better off with little company.

Kori drew another blanket over his tense shoulders and gently soothed his aching muscles. He looked up to her with confusion on his face. "What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?"

Kori felt a pang in her heart at his words. "You do not know?"

He fervently shook his head trying to clear his mind. "I can't think clearly. Are you an angel?"

She smiled sadly. "Yes, I am." She reached out and cupped his face. "Your guardian angel."

He blinked and looked at her hard. "K-Kori?"

She nodded. With a sigh of relief, Richarde threw his arms around her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck as his strong arms almost crushed her. Kori didn't mind, just simply smoothed his hair.

"Kori, I missed you so much. I was so worried, I thought you didn't care, but your voice kept echoing in my head and I had to come back. Oh Kori, I love you!"

She kissed his temple. "I love you as well." She relinquished her grip and held him at arms length. "Can you handle more company? Your friends wish to see you."

He looked at his appearance. "Can I have some clothes first?" He asked sheepishly.

A few minutes later, Richarde wore a red tunic with loose black pants. Koriandre, in the mean time, invited Raven, Garfield, and Victor back into the room. They sat in a ring on the floor, all attention on Richarde. He still seemed skittish and he was shaking. Kori sat next to him with her arm intertwined with his.

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