Chapter 4: Adventure Gang

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The Imagined woke up in her bed, and was relaxed and well rested for once

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The Imagined woke up in her bed, and was relaxed and well rested for once. It was a nice change of pace, but she never expected it to last forever. She was right, not that she knew that yet.
  The Imagined checked the alarm clock next to her bed, and saw that it read 10:00 exactly, which meant that the day was still young, and that she'd had a good night's sleep without any IO agents attempting to put a bullet through her head. Again, it was a nice change of pace.
  Beside the alarm clock was a note on a little, luminous yellow post-it sticky note that looked like it had been written in a rush. The Imagined took it, and started to read:

Hey, Imagined! Foundation needs me for some building up near Rave Cave. I'll see you later, ok? -Paradigm

  It had been nice of the Paradigm to leave the Imagined a note, but it still didn't ease the blow that was that she hadn't woken the Imagined up to say goodbye. The Imagined flipped the note over to check for more notes on the back, and sure enough:

By the way, you looked so cute when you sleeping I couldn't wake you up sorry!

  Hiding extra information in unlikely places. A very Paradigm thing to do.
  And it wasn't like the Imagined wasn't going to see her again. She was heading to Rave Cave pretty soon because TnTina played music there on the main stage, so the Imagined had promised to go see her with Drift and a few others when they were all free. Now, the Imagined had two reasons to go. Her schedule had just opened up, that was for sure.
  The Imagined heaved herself up and put on her armour again, its crimson red colour covering her like a blanket. When she then left the room, Shanta was walking by, her gold armour glinting and her arms hanging casually, as if they had nothing better to do, although they probably did.
  "Hey! Do you mind if I walk with you?" the Imagined hopped on over to Shanta's side.
  Shanta glanced over and smiled faintly, "Of course, Imagined. There's always a spot by my side for you."
  "Thanks!" the Imagined beamed, "So how are you these days?"
  "Not bad, not bad at all," Shanta shugged, "You?"
  "Not bad, but the Paradigm's gone off with the Foundation."
  "Ah yes, the Scientist told me about that. He got a note. Apparently, he also looks cute while he sleeps." Shanta nodded, "I can confirm that's true."
  The Imagined put her hands behind her head, "Do you not think that it's a bit creepy? That she's just watching us?"
  "The Paradigm's very clever. She has her reasons, trust me." Shanta reassured.
  The Imagined sniggered in response.
  At the bottom of the stairs, the Scientist was slumped over a table. The cold, grey stone that made up most of Sanctuary's furniture didn't look the most comfortable to lean on. The Scientist leaning now was a prime example.
  "You two are the first people I've seen today. Where is everyone?" the Scientist chuckled tiredly. He then yawned heartily.
  "Out. Unsurprisingly." Shanta sighed, and slumped down beside him.
  The Imagined stayed standing. If the Scientist was asking about where everyone was, then he was looking for help with something. The Imagined didn't want to sit down just to get back up again.
  The Scientist cleared his throat, "By the way..."
  Here we go, the Imagined thought automatically.
  The Scientist revealed a weird looking machine, "This is a scanner, and I plan to go to Reality Falls and use it on that aesthetically pleasing tree over there. Wanna come with me?"
  "Sure, it'd be fun to go as a three." the Imagined nodded, having already predicted that he'd say that, "That is if you're available, Shanta?"
  "I'm always available if my boyfriend's the planner." Shanta spoke as if it was obvious.
  "That's me!" the Scientist added, silliness bouncing into his tone.
  Shanta's eyes suddenly widened, "Do you think John would like to come?"
  He was standing at the end of the corridor. The Imagined could see his back jutting out from his bedroom door. He turned when he heard his name called, and the mighty orange visor that hid his face reflected their own faces.
  "Hey, John!" the Imagined called eccentrically.
  John walked in, holding the book which the Imagined distinctly remembered Drift saying was the one that he and Lynx found when they first arrived on this new island. He also towered over all of them, even the Imagined, who was stood up.
  "Hey, we're going on an adventure! Wanna come with us?" the Scientist waved his scanner.
  John put a bookmark in the book and put it down on the table before stretching his arms, and then shaking it off.
  "Sure. I've got nothing better to do." he said in his gravelly, deep voice.
  "Cool! It's settled then, let's go!" the Scientist stood up.
  He started to leave the room and the Imagined and Shanta stared at each other briefly before we followed suit.

To be continued...

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