Chapter 8: 3713

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Some time had passed, but the air was still tense as they counted down the hours in the cell until the next one had their brain removed like Mancake had. Lynx wondered what all of the people around her were thinking, but she didn't want to ask their names and so was still applying descriptions to faces. They didn't want to talk, and she couldn't blame them.
Lynx tapped her knee with her finger, sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. It was cool, if not also clinical, in the cell and Lynx was looking on the bright side of things - at least this was a break from the heat. Thinking of the heat, Lynx's mind drifted to Drift in his swimming shorts.
He must've been so worried. Lynx had to get back to him as soon as possible.
As if he read her mind, Mothy spoke, "Lynx? What... what do we do?"
Lynx tapped her leg again, "I don't know. Sorry."
"Oh." Mothy sighed, hugging himself, "Well, I guess it's time to introduce you to everyone."
Everyone looked at Mothy, and then they went back to their own meloncholy business.
"The woman with the pink hair is Journey. She's shy, but she's nice, I promise." Mothy nodded towards Journey.
Lynx turned to Journey and saw her slumped over, "Is she ok?"
Journey looked up and sighed, "I'm still sane, at least."
She then slumped again. Lynx frowned.
"That robot cowboy over there is Mando." Mothy pointed to the man in the opposite corner to her.
"I'm not a robot." Mando grumbled, looking at Mothy through is cold visor.
"If you say so," Mothy teased, "And that's-"
"Before we continue," Mando interrupted, "Who is she, Mothy? And do you remember anything between getting kidnapped and arriving here?"
"I like your hat." Journey added before slumping again.
"Thanks," Lynx smiled, "I'm Lynx, by the way. And no, I don't remember anything, although it'd be really useful if I did."
Lynx smacked her noggin, as if that'd make the memories appear, if she had any. Nothing appeared.
"Anyways, the blob guy is Rippley, and that other absolutely ripped guy is Menace. Rippley can't talk, but he's friendly!" Mothy gestured around.
Rippley waved. Lynx waved back.
Before Lynx could say hello to Menace, the door suddenly opened. Everyone leapt up and backed against the wall, all apart from Mando and Menace, who prepared to fight. Someone was going to be taken.
And even though Lynx wanted everyone to be fine, she had to protect Mothy. For Raz.
Except rather than a figurine, a woman entered through the door. She had a white tank top on and red, baggy jogging trousers. White trainers adorned her feet, and red sunglasses adorned her face. Red hoop earrings hung from her ears, and her just short of shoulder length black hair danced about as she swished her head around. She seemed confident. Too confident for Lynx's liking. Lynx tensed herself to fight back.
Lynx also couldn't have been the only person to have seen the X on her tank top. The cars had that symbol on it, too.
The woman smiled with cherry red lips, "You're Lynx, right? And Mothmando?"
Lynx didn't say anything, and neither did Mothy.
"Don't act so modest! You're from The Seven! Gosh, it is an honour to meet you!" the woman smiled awkwardly and continued when they didn't reply.
The woman walked on over to the bed that was placed at the side of the room and sat on it nonchalantly. When it became clear that the woman had no intention to hurt them, the group all moved forwards from their positions.
"Who are you? And how do you know about us?" Lynx scowled at the woman.
"Well, I'm Evie." Evie beamed almost creepily, "And I know everyone. Just sayin'."
Menace shook his head angrily, "Let us go! We didn't do anything to you!"
"What? No! How naïve do you think I am? You're my guinea pigs!" Evie shook her head, knocking her glasses askew. She fixed them, and then got up again, "You're helping us improve our security at..."
And then she annoyingly just stopped talking. Lynx was starting to get ticked off.
"At where?" Lynx prompted.
"Well, I can't tell you that. Then we'll get cancelled, and my street cred is too high to allow that to happen." Evie giggled in an innocent way, even if she was everything but innocent.
Evie took one more moment to take them all in.
"Well, bye then."
And then Evie got up, and just walked out of the room.
The door shut.
Everyone was too nonplussed to speak.
"Ok, so, like, I know that this situation seems pretty hopeless but quite frankly she scares me, and if there's any possible way out that you know of you need to tell me. I can think of something. Maybe." Lynx shook her head and spoke quickly, stress creeping into her voice.
"We've tried everything. It's game over, unless some sort of miracle happens." Menace sat down on the bed where Evie was just sat.
"Although..." Journey started timidly.
"Although?" Lynx asked.
"Evie is new... maybe something is happening outside of the cell?" Journey wondered.
Rippley nodded frantically.
Journey added, "Do you think that something has already happened?"
Lynx shook her head, "Well, I can't wait for a miracle, or for Evie to be a stroke of luck. We're getting outta here, no more casualties."
Lynx searched the floor for something like a key, but there was nothing down there but other people's feet. Not helpful.
And then Lynx checked the bed, because where else was there to check?
"Come on, be nice to me..." Lynx sighed to herself quietly as everyone watched her rummage around.
She stopped when her hand felt something cold.
Lynx proceeded to pull a phone out from under the mattress. Everyone suddenly surrounded her, shock plastered on everyone's faces.
"WHAT?!" Menace boomed.
"Haha, yes, Lynx!" Mothy squealed.
"But where did it come from?" Mando choked on his disbelief.
"It was just... there. Ya know?" Lynx eyed then all, "And just none of you thought to check under the bed?"
"We did!" Journey replied, but she sounded like she was doubting herself.
Rippley added his own, exclaiming gasp.
But Lynx wasn't going to tease the others any more, she had to search the phone. The first thing she noticed was a single notification.

Unknown Number: the password is 3713

Lynx tried it on the phone, and everyone heard it click as it let her in. Oh. Well, that was convenient.

To be continued...

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