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I need to know - how many people still read this book?

I really enjoyed writing the first two entries to the Fortnite: Island series, and I'm really attached to all of the characters. But now I want to focus on more original content, such as my new book Chaos Theorem and the prequel story Outside, which are currently int he process of being uploaded and sent out to you all.

This new fortnite book I'm writing feel uninspired, but that's because I'm uninspired to continue because I don't think that the series is going anywhere now that IO has been defeated. Now that the main conflict on the island has been solved, what's really left to conquer?

Also, this season is the worst one yet. I've actually stopped playing, and that's really sad for me but that's the truth for me.

So if enough of you say that you want this book to continue, then tell me now because otherwise I'm putting this on hold indefinitely. Although note that as my Chaos Theorem series is a multiverse series, then these characters aren't forbidden from having a future there too if I feel like it.

No matter what you say, I really appreciate that you have been reading my content for so long. I hope that you have a great day!

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