4- Finding Anthony

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We sat by the fire to warm ourselves from the chilling night air. We had run far enough from the town for me to convince Damien we were safe to set up camp. To calm our nerves I had decided to eat our last ration of food, it was a small amount but enough to satisfy our hungry bellies.

"Emma do you think were getting close to mom yet?"
I froze. I looked at my little brother so innocent and full of life and I couldn't bring myself to tell him of what I had witnessed at that town.

" I'm not sure. But don't worry I'm sure we'll find her soon." I felt terrible. The lie I had just told made me want to spit up the small amount of food I had in my stomach but at the same time I felt that it was for the best.
" Now go to sleep, we have a lot of walking to do tomorrow." And with that he closed his little eyes and fell right to sleep exhausted from the days stress. But yet he looked so peaceful sleeping almost like a little brown haired angel.

I stayed awake that night to keep watch over Damien. All the days walking and running with so little food and water exhausted me and I found myself going in and out of sleep.
"Ugh I can't fall asleep. Come on Emma stay awake." I said aloud to myself. I stood up and started pacing around the fire. And then I head it. It was a snapping sound, almost like when a twig breaks in half. I looked around but I didn't see anything. I was just starting to think that maybe it was just my imagination when I heard it again but this time farther in the distance. I struggled to see where the noise came from but the only light around was the soft glow of the fire, to dim to let me see that far ahead.

I debated with myself on whether or not I should see where the noise came from for about a minute when I heard the strange sound again. This time the curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check it out. After walking just for enough to still see the dim light of the fire begind me I stopped and listened as closely as I could but heard nothing.

After awhile of walking around like a blind woman trying find this mysterious sound I finally gave up and just decided to go back to Damien. And just then I heard the sound yet again but this time louder than ever. I quickly turned around and stared at the handgun barrel pointed straight at me but I could only see a shadowy outline of the guns posesor.

"What do you want?" Asked the shadow in a deep male voice.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here resting with my brother. Please don't hurt me." I was shaking with fear and all types of scary thoughts went threw my mind.

After a moments hesitation the man finally lowered his gun and stepped forward. Close enough now for me to see that he was not a man at all but a boy about my age. But what caught my attention were his beautiful ocean blue eyes and funny looking gap between his front teeth that somehow suited him.

He stared at me for a long while, I guess he was trying to see whether or not I was telling the truth but then he finally spoke up.

"Sorry about that, can't really trust people out here and I'm sorry if I scared you. My names Anthony by the way."

"Its okay, I understand what you mean." I said as I thought back to earlier today when we arrived at the town. "And my names Emma, nice to meet you."

He smiled and said "I haven't seen you before, where are you coming from?"

" From our house a couple miles south. We're out looking for food and .....our mom." I answered. I didn't feel like explaining my whole life story to this complete stranger so I didn't tell him about mom and besides, even though he seemed nice I wasn't just going to trust someone I had just meet.

"Oh if you need food I have extra. I had a good scavage this week. "

"Really?! Are you sure?"

"Yah yah of course but only if you let me camp out with you and your brother tonight." He said with a goofy looking smile that made me chuckle.

I smiled and said " Of course. It's the least I can do considering you didn't kill me and all. "

He laughed and we started the short walk back to the camp where little Damien still lay fast asleep. I let him sleep and put aside his food for when he woke up, while me and Anthony heated some werid meat he claimed was rabbit, over the fire. We talked and laughed for most of the night before he convinced me to get some rest.

That night I dreamed of my paradise. The place with no war or pain or fear. But now my dream also included my new friend who I hardly knew but somehow felt safe around.

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