6- The River

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"Found another one." Damien said as he plucked the flower from it spot on the dried Earth floor. He ran over to give it to Anthony who had a handful of little purple flowers Damien had collected for mom. It was going to be his gift to her when when we find her, or I guess, when he finds out about her. With every flower he picked I felt my heart ache more and more.

After our little game of tag we decided to keep moving south towards "mom", but the reallity is that I have no idea where we're going or what we're gonna do. I'm just trying to take everything one step at a time and right now that step is finding food and shelter.

"Hey Emma, are you ok? You seem off"
I jumped up,startled by the sudden remark. I looked up and saw Anthony staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes, a look of what seemed like worry on his face. "Umm ya ya I was just thinking about something. "

"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it?"

I hesitated. Should I tell him? Can I tell him? "Maybe later" I looked up at him and gave him a half hearted smile. He looked back a me not convinced at all but nodded his head and continued to walk along side me in silence. "Anthony do you know a place where we can get water?"

His face lit up. He put on a goofy smile and his eyes sparkled with excitment. "Follow me"

I giggled as he scooped up Damien and threw him over his shoulder all while sprinting like some track star.

"Hey wait up!"

After about 3 or 4 hours of climbing over rocks, jumping over fallen trees, and swating away bugs I was getting a little tired of this trip. I looked over at Anthony carrying a sleeping Damien who's little hands were wrapped around his neck, his head resting on Anthony's shoulder.

"Anthony are you sure you knows where your going?"

"Yah don't worry we're almost there I swear"

I let out a small sigh. "Ok"

"Emma you know you can trust me right? And I know I've only known you for a short time but I wouldn't do anything to hurt you guys and-"

"Anthony, what's wrong?" I asked cutting him off mid-sentence. He stopped to look back at me for a moment before he continued to walk through the forest.

"Nothing. I guess I'm just nervous."

"Nervous about what?"

" We're here."

He didn't answer my question. Which only made me want to ask more and also made me curious about his weird behavior, but then I caught up to him and looked behind the jumble of trees blocking my view. I was amazed from what I saw.

There was a small creek leading down to a calm, sleeping river. The rivers water was so clear, I was able to see small fish swimming in its exquisite blue water. There was what looked like an abandoned bridge overlooking the river. Its railing were breaking off and green moss was growing on its supports, but I felt that instead of an eye sore it created a sense of peace.

I looked back at Anthony who was setting Damien down on the fluffy green grass.
"Oh my gosh Anthony its......perfect"

He smiled and stepped towards me, enough to see a small amount of freckles I had never noticed before.
"I found it a couple months ago while I was scavenging. Its where I spend most of my time and I wanted to share it with you because I see that there's something bothering and ........I don't know, this place just has a way of clearing my mind and keeping me at peace so I hope it can do the same for you."

I felt my face get hot and I quickly looked down at my feet, suddenly embarrassed and aware of just how close he really was.

"I don't know what to say." I really didnt, no one had ever said or done anything like this for me before. "Thank you. For everything." I looked up and stared into his eyes. His beautiful blue orbs. I felt him grab my hands gently and pulled me closer, our faces inches away.

"Emma?Anthony? Where are you?" Damien called out. Julting me back to reality. Quickly steping back and letting go of Anthony's hand I called out," We're over here Damien" and I walked off, tears in my eyes, not turning back to look at Anthony.

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