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***Emma's POV***
Walking through the forest the cold air on my skin, I looked up and saw the twinkly night sky.

Ugh. Had I really been walking that long? I guess you lose track of time when you have so much on your mind.

"Ahhhhh!" I heard someone scream in the behind the dense forest behind me.

"Stop! Stop!" Oh my gosh......DAMIEN! With my heart racing and sweat dripping down my face, I ran through the woods back towards the river.

I never should have left Damien with Anthony. What was I thinking?! Why did I think I could trust anyone?

I soon heard the river flowing and I knew I was close.

"Damien ....I'm....here"


Hundreds and hundreds of fireflies buzzing around the night air and in the middle of them all was Damien running around like a crazed boy trying to swat them away.

Anthony was laying on a rock and was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. I smiled at went to go sit by him.


"There you are I was starting to worry but now that your here I wanted to apologize."

"For what?" I hope he didn't really think I was mad at him.

"I thought you were mad about....."

"The kiss?" I smiled and felt my cheeks burn. " I'm not mad"

"Then why did you leave?"

I let out a slight sigh.

"Because since we're close now or whatever I wanted to tell you some stuff."

I looked down at started twirling my fingers.

" We won't find mom....because she's dead. When me and Damien first left the house we found this town and when I went to go check it out I saw mom......they killed her. I couldn't bring myself to tell Damien so he doesn't know but I gave it some thought and I think we should tell him now"

I finally looked at Anthony who stared at me with a blank look I'm his eyes. He seemed zoned out and distant but then he finally spoke.

"Ya I guess we'll have to do it sooner or later."

Taking one last look at the small and playful Damien before I destroyed his hope of once again being with mom as she gave him one of her famous bone crushing hugs.

"Damien can I talk to you. Its about mom" he instantly forgot about the fireflies and ran to me.

"Did you find her? Are we gonna see her?

"No sweety." I took a long pause and thought about how I would tell him.

"Remember when we first left the house we found a little town and we had to run away because it there was bad guys. Well before the bad guys were chasing us I saw mom."

"Why didn't you tell her we were looking for her?" Damien asked in a small shaky voice.

I held back my tears as much as i could "Because she was dead. The bad men killed her."

Damien broke down. He fell to his knees and cried. Gasping for air between sobs.

I sat down beside him and put him on my lap letting his tears soak into my T-shirt.
Rocking back and forth I hummed a lullaby my mother used to sing to us when we had bad dreams or missed dad. And when he finally fell asleep is when I began to cry.

**** so sorry I haven't updated in literally forever I haven't forgotten about u guys and I'll definitely be updating at least once a week from now on. Thxs for everyone who's reading my story and I will still dedicate chapters for every 100 views***

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