5-Tag your It

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I woke up to the sound of.......laughter?
But not just any type of laugh, the type of laugh that makes your face tomatoe red and salty tears slide down your cheek, leaving you with no breath and a pain in your gut. Slowly opening my eyes adjusting to the early morning sun, I saw my brother and Anthony running around like crazed men. I stood up and stretched my arms over my head trying to ease the slight pain in my back, the hard dirt ground really wasn't a very comfortable place to sleep but it was the best we had for now. After about a minute of stretching with no real success I gave up and walked over to the boys.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked with a smile.

"Me and Anthony are playing tag and I'm it!!" Damien yelled as he came chasing after me. All of my inner child came out as I quickly turned and ran towards Anthony who was sticking his tounge out at Damien.

"Nah nah nah nahnah nah you can't catch me" He chanted before he turned and ran, his long legs gracefully gliding him across the barren landscape while Damien grew closer to me by the second. With wind blowing hair on my face and an open smile that went from ear to ear, I screamed as I looked back and saw Damiens outstretched hand inches from mine. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't notice the big rock in my way. I tripped and fell on the ground as Damien now slowly walked towards me like some maniac.

" I got you now Emma." He said in a "scary" voice.

Playing along with his little movie scene I said "No please, I'm to young" and right when he bent down to tag me Anthony jumped out in front yelling

And before I knew it Anthony was it.

But instead of running up to get us he lay still facedown on the ground. I cautiously walked up to him and turned him over and thats when he whimpered..."tell my family I loved them" before he "died". I burst out laughing, bringing tears to my eyes and gripping my stomach and pretty soon all three of us were on the ground fighting to caught our breath.

When we finally calmed down I looked at Anthony who was a good 6 or 7 inches taller than me so, even sitting down I had to look up to him. "I see you've meet my brother"

He smiled with his signiture gap and the sunlight hit his eyes perfectly making them look even more amazing that they did last night. " I did, and no offense but I think he likes me better"

I looked at Damien with my eyes wide and a look of false shock on my face. " Is this true?!" Damien looked at me and grinned and held up his hands "Hey don't drag me into this. I don't want any problems."

"Ha he likes us equally."

"But I like Anthony better" Damien mumbled under his breath.

"Hey I heard that!"
We all laughed some more but then Anthony got up and patted himself clean. "Well it was nice meeting you guys but I should really get going"

"What where?" Damien and I asked in unison.

"Not sure but I don't wanna bother you guys"

" Are you kidding me you just saved my life" I said jokingly. "Plus we need help, we really don't know what we're doing out here. Please stay" I put my best puppy face on hoping that it would help our chances.

Anthony put on a smile so big it looked like it hurt. "Well if you guys insist."

Damien then came running up and hugged Anthony, reaching only just past his waist. Anthony's eyes wided and he froze for a split second before bending down and hugging him back.

And thats when I knew that Anthony showed a genuine childish and caring side of him that a person who meant harm could not possibly posses. That's when I knew I could trust him.

*******This chapter is dedicated Ignatia_Aitziber for being so great and helping me out. Thxs so much******

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