Character Info

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Before our story starts, we need to remind everyone of the houses that the students are sorted into while attending Hogwarts school. 

There are four houses in total: 

Gryffindor, in the Gryffindor house they value courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. This house is known to many because of the wizards which are in it, one being the famous Harry Potter.  

Slytherin is the next house, in this house they value, ambition, resourcefulness, determination and cleverness. This house is also widely known as it was the house who Tom Riddle was sorted into. Also, the house to another slightly famous boy named Draco Malfoy. 

Ravenclaw is the third house, in the Ravenclaw house they value cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Many associate the Ravenclaw house to the house with the most nerds in. 

The final house is Hufflepuff, in the Hufflepuff house they value a strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience and prosperity of hard work. This house is loved by pretty much everyone as they deem to be the nicest people you'd ever meet. 

However, the characters in this story are slightly a bit different to harry and Draco. They are just some ordinary witches and wizards who are friends trying to get through their years at Hogwarts without all the drama which happens to follow Mr potter wherever he goes. 

Kate Simmons is the first, she is kind and caring and has many friends in school, Kate was born muggle but is turning out to be one of the best wizards in Hogwarts, she is mischievous but never gets into trouble during class. Kate was sorted into the Gryffindor house. 

Kate has a boyfriend, Colby Crane who was also born muggle. He is kind and caring. He takes care of others when needed and loves Kate with his whole being and more. Colby was sorted into the Hufflepuff house. 

Kate and Colby have many friends in Hogwarts, but we will just be focusing on a small group of friends during this story.  

Their best friend Matthew Horne, another muggle born was also sorted into Hufflepuff, he and Colby clicked immediately when they first began talking, they are now inseparable. Matthew and Colby became friends quickly which led to Matthew then becoming close friends with Kate. In the first two years of Hogwarts, they all became closer and became very much like siblings. 

During the Second year of Hogwarts, Matthew met his girlfriend while watching quidditch. Kathy Mcqueen. Kathy, who was not muggle born unlike the others was a bit hesitant towards the thought of a relationship at first but gave Matthew a chance, Kathy was sorted into the Slytherin house, which of course made people worried to be friends with her, however Kate quickly welcomed her into the group after meeting and talking to her for a bit. 

The four students here are the ones we will focus on in this story. They will certainly get into lots of trouble and have many adventures.

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