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During lunch the group of friends would sit around the Gryffindor table chatting and joking around. Kate leans against Colby while talking to Matthew before Kathy walks over “guys, Hagrid is taking our lesson today, let's go before Malfoy pushes us all out the way” Kate groans “that Malfoy gets on my nerves” 

Matthew laughs and then the group stand up and make their way outside to see what kind of lesson Hagrid had planned, Kate glances around at the scenery “why are we in the forest?”. A Hufflepuff student, Hannah Abbott turns and says “I believe he is taking us to see some mythical creature, that’s what harry said anyway” 

Colby nods “it's always potter, knows it all”. Kathy looks at Colby “you're just jealous” Colby scoffs “no I'm not, if anything I'm jealous of those twins” Kate laughs “you don't have to be jealous of those twins' baby, they're a bit old for m- whoa!”  

None-other than Draco Malfoy then pushes his way through the group just to stand at the front of the class. 

The group of friend's glares at Draco before looking shocked at what stands in front of them, it was beautiful. Nothing any of the students had ever seen! Hagrid chuckled “now be careful students, Buckbeak here is a bit shy around new people and may give up a bit of a fight to anyone he doesn’t trust. Harry! Come on up here” 

Kate and Kathy stare at Buckbeak in awe, seeing the glorious feathers on his wings and his cute face. Matthew and Colby stood watching the girls, questioning if they were really stood there jealous of a giant bird or if it was a dream...  

All are snapped back to reality when Malfoy pushes past everyone again saying how easy it is to stroke Buckbeak. Matthew scoffs “Hes just obviously jealous because Buckbeak let harry touch him” 

Kate nods and then everyone gasps when Buckbeak then knock Draco down and Draco starts to cry. Kathy chuckles “well...Hagrid did say not to touch him” The group of friends laugh and then the class gets dismissed so Draco can go to the infirmary. 

Kate and Kathy begin to talk about how cute buckbean was and how stupid Draco was for going in front of Buckbeak without permission, while the two boys were following behind still feeling jealous of a creature.  Kate stops in her tracks “I just realised something” Colby gasps as he bumps into her “whoa, what babe?” Kate glares at Colby “its date night you fool, that’s what.” Colby gasps “ah crap...” Matthew laughs “dude you better have not forgotten” Colby gasps and shakes his head “no no no, of course not, just haven't particularly got all the plans set up”  

Kate huffs “baby! This is the third time we haven't had date night” Colby nods “I know I'm just...busy” Kate nods “fine I guess, gurl want to go to the observatory tower and do spells with me?” Kathy nods “of course I do!” Matthew tilts his head “Kathy-” Both girls laugh and walk away to the observatory tower. While the boys stand there dumbfounded. 

-About two hours pass- 

The girls walk to their final lesson of the day, potions.  Kate looks at Kathy “let's sit at the back, snape won't see us” Kathy nods and the girls then sit together at the back of the class with their books out. The lesson goes on like normal, Hermione getting loads of questions right and harry doing potions quicker than everyone else and Kate and Kathy getting stuck on the same potion so trying to figure it out together. Kate looks at Kathy “what class do the boys have?”  

Kathy hums “uh I think they're both doing quidditch practice right now because of the game tomorrow,” Kate tilts her head “isn't that Gryffindor and Slytherin though?” Kathy nods “Hufflepuffs train a lot for it, I think it's cute”. Kate shrugs “I guess...wait matt doesnt play hes too fragile?"
Kathy nods "i know..but he likes to go with colby and their friend jack" Kate nods "ah right.." 

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