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Kathy and Kate look at another shocked as they hear an ear piercing scream from in the forest. Kate takes a deep breath and looks down, Kathy gently rubs kates back “hey, we’ll be fine, come on that could have been them”. Kate nods “okay, lets go quick” 

The girls quickly begin to fly the brooms into the forest avoiding all the trees. The girls look around for where the boys could be. Kate gasps “Kathy over here!” Kathy flies over to kate and gasps a little “is that-” Kate nods cutting her off “my hair tie, they must be somewhere around here!” 

The girls begin searching around the area. Kate the freezes in her place and whispers “kathy...Kathy come here” Kathy smiles “did you find them?” she flies over to kate and gasps a little “holy shi-” Kate quickly covers kathys mouth as they then hide behind a tree staring at what is in front of them ..  

And what they saw...was terrifying 

was terrifying 

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Kate gulps as she whispers “how in hells name are we supposed to get them out?”. Kathy sighs “we need to be quick, that’s how”. Kate looks down “what the hell even is it”  

Kathy stares at her “its a spider?” she then gasps as kate slaps her arm “i know that” Kathy laughs a little and then smiles “Hagrid told some students about this creature before, his name is aragog. A trapdoor spider, ill explain the rest later, you fly in and grab colby and do not look back. Ill grab matt” Kate sighs “im so scared..i hate spiders”. Kathy smiles and nudges her arm a little “hey, im not giving up on you, we will do this together, ok?” 

Kate nods “okay..i-I can do this, just fly in and grab him, I can do that” Kathy nods “and watch out for webs..dont think about the spiders, ill make sure you get out”  Kate looks at kathy “but what about you?” Kathy laughs “i love spiders, im fine. Now go” Kate nods and then takes a deep breath and flies in fast and wraps her arm around colbys chest and grabs him as she then flies away and colby holds on to her for deer life as they fly towards the exit of the forest. Kate listening to kathys advice and not looking back. 

Kate and Colby make it out of the forest and then gasp as they crash and fall off the broom,kate landing ontop of colby. Colby gasps “babe!! You came to save me!” Kate huffs “what the hell were you thinking and yes me and kat- wheres kathy and matt” Kate quickly stands up and stares into the forest worried. Colby stands up as well and looks into the forest “wait..” 


Kate and Colby scream as a broom comes flying towards them but suddenly stops inches away from them. Kate looks at the boom and laughs a little seeing kathy sat on it with matthew clinging to her like a backpack. Kathy sighs “you can get off now baby” Matthew shakes his head.  

Kathy then shrugs “have it your way” she then holds on tighter and flips the broom upside down so he falls off, he winces “ow..” Kathy then jumps off the broom and rushes to hug kate “you did it kate! You saved him!” Kate laughs a little and nods “we both did...thank you for not giving up on me in there and making me believe I can do it” Kathy shrugs “all you needed was a little push and you can do a lot more then you think mudblood”  

Kate gasps and shoves kathys arm “shut up” Both girls laugh and then turn to the boys. KAte nods “after you kathy” Kathy smiles “thank you....WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN THERE?!?!” Colby sighs “we are fine. It doesnt matter now” Kate huffs “you could have died baby! You think that’s nothing?!” Colby looks down “im sorry, I wont do anything like that again” Kate nods “good” 

All four students gasp as professor snape rushes over to them “What in hevens name do you think youre all doing out here?! There was an attack on hogwarts and you were out on a lovely little stroll?! You are all in serious trouble. Back to school now!” THe four students nod and make their way back to school and immedietly rush to their own dorm rooms to calm down  after what happened before. 

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