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in class

Kate and Kathy sit at the back of class while professor snape was telling the students about the dark arts.
Kathy tilts her head "it was a whisper? but nobody was beind you?"

Kate nods "yes, it was so weird, i have no idea who it was or who it could be, but it was definetly a male voice" kathy sighs a little and scratches the back of her neck "i have one thought.."

Kate looks at Kathy with fear in her eyes " cant be..hes after harry" I shrug "have you ever thought to talk to harry, he might know something" Both girls look over to Harry Potter who was sat at a table with hermione and ron

Kate sighs "we will have to talk to hi-"
"talk to potter? he isnt as smart as me"
Both girls laugh a little "hello draco"
Malfoy sits with the girls and kate huffs "and how exactly do you plan to help us?"

Draco smirks and then looks over at professor snape "excuse me professor. may me and these girls talk outside the classroom, it is highly important" snape sighs "if you must, just come back immedietly after and quietly"

Draco nods and then him and the girls walk out of the classroom, Draco then leans against the wall with his arms crossed "so. you heard a voice huh simmons?" Kate huffs "yes i did malfoy. and we think its vold-" he cuts Kate off "its not"

Kathy crosses her arms "and how do you know that exactly" Draco smirks a little before lifting his sleeve up, both girls gasp out of shock and Kate then looks dow "so what is it malfoy, am i in danger?"

Draco sighs "look mudblood, all i know is that its not the dark lord, there are many many wizards and witches that hate every mudblood so it could be any of them" Kathy nods "thats could be anyone"

Kate slides down the wall with her hands gripping her hair "what do i scared" Draco shrugs "have you told dumbledore?" Kathy laughs "i think he has enough to deal with, with harry potter"

Draco rolls his eyes "potter, i hate him" Kathy nods "i feel that"

Kate stays sat on the floor while draco and Kathy laugh.

"Bewear of the dark"

Kate gasps and jumps up, Kathy and Draco go silent and also look around as they had also heard the whisper.

Kathy pulls her wand out and looks around "the fu-"
"Malfoy, Mcqueen and simmons! back in here now!"
professor snape opens the classroom door.

The trio walk back into the classroom and kathy notices Harry staring at them. They sit down and Kate leans her head on the desk thinking about who it could be, who is making her life hell..

who could it be..

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