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The Next day 

The next day begins like normal; Kate and Kathy eat breakfast together wondering where the boys are. Kate looks around “they aren't even at the Hufflepuff table. You think they're, ok?” Kathy stands up and looks around “no idea but harry and Draco aren't in here so I wouldn’t say it’s a yes that they're ok” 

Both girls then rush out of the hall and to the Hufflepuff dorms and run into Justin, Kate gasps “just the person we’re looking for, can you go see where matt and Colby are?” Justin nods” oh sure, but I thought they went to go find you two”  

Justin then walks into the Hufflepuff dormitory and after a few minutes' walks back out “yeah they're not here, sorry girls” Kate looks around frantically and Kathy sighs “Kate maybe they're just out for air”  


The girls gasp when Hermione and Ron come storming past, Hermione holding her cat and Ron holding his rat. Ron huffs “it was your cat tormenting scabbers!” Hermione scoffs “my cat would do no such thing” they then continue arguing as they walk away. 

Kathy sighs “this school can't go one day without drama” Kate nods and then walks around looking for the boys. Kathy follows behind and then they both gasp when they hear snape saying that there have been students found going into the forbidden forest. Kathy shakes her head “they're too wuss for that” Kate shrugs “let's hope so” the girls stop in their tracks when harry comes rushing past with fear in his eyes. 

Kate shrugs “I've learnt to never question what that boy is doing anymore” Kathy nods “i think everyone has”. Theu both laugh and then begin walking back to the hall to see if the boys have turned up. They arrive but are quickly rushed out as an alarm goes off and teachers rush around getting students back to their dormitories. Professor McGonagall rushes the girls away from the hall “come on girls, back to your rooms. There are dementors around the castle, go go go” both girls look at one another shocked and then nod  

Of course the girls didn’t listen, Kate pulls Kathy along outside the school into the school yard. Kathy looks around “we have to find them, the boys might be in danger”. Kate looks at the Forbidden forest and nods “we need to help” 

Both girls rush to the quiddich field and grab a broom each to fly on into the forbidden forest. Kathy had been close to the forest before so wasn’t as scared as she thought she would be, Kate on the other hand? She had heard the myths of what lurkes in the forest and was terrified, but she had her mind on finding the boys, no matter what would happen. 

But it was clear...something was in the forest, which did not like people at all and was the reason some wizards walked into the forest, but never walked out... 


Matthew and Colby were walking around with fear in their eyes. Matthew slaps colbys arm “why did you run off in here for?! Now we are lost”. Colby nods “oh yeah blame me  for this”. Matthew stares at colby “dude you literally ran in here after seeing a dementor, you shit yourself” Colby gasps “i did not! You were the scared one” 

Both boys stand still as they continue to bicker about whos fault it was. Not noticing what was behind them.... 


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