Chapter 1 : what started it all

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Steve's POV

Well, it's simple when you think about a man who lived through being frozen and being asleep for sixty-seven years. Well sadly, that's all people think about when they see me because ... I AM STEVE RODGERS THE CAPTAIN AMERICA!

To me, I am just me but I wish everyone else could see me for who I really am. See, everyone thinks that Peggy was my girlfriend and we loved each other but that's not the truth. Well the truth is I was never attracted to her that way or any women in fact. She knew that, because when I got transformed I had the strength to be who I was. Peggy wasn't a cover up for me being gay she was my best friend. She was so nice to me, even had planned to teach me to dance. The point is, people think that I am straight but let's get one thing straight I am not.

I continue to think and think, all about myself; all about what people think of me. I am brought back to reality by a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump; scaring the person who touched my shoulder which was non other then Dr.Banner.

"Oh sorry, you scared me. I was just thinking," I said hoping he wouldn't pry at it. He sits down next me to on the couch. At least he seems comfortable enough around me to sit by me, so that's a good sign.

"Well let's see, you were talking to your self again. You mentioned wishing they could know who you really are or something like that. I don't want to be nosey but I'm always here if you want to talk about it," he offers. I can see he really wants me to trust him, I do trust him; to some extent. But, like they say the devil was once an angel be careful who you trust. I guess I could tell him that I'm gay. I mean, the worst thing he is gonna do is tell everyone or hulk out and break everything!

"Umm can I tell you something Bruce?" I ask quietly, hoping he will know this is a serious matter to me and understand that this isn't exactly easy on me.

"Wow ...," Dr. Banner mumbles, smiling lightly in shock. I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Wow what?" I question, clearly confused. He looks at me odd for a moment.

"Oh, I said that out loud?" he pauses briefly. "I was just thinking you because you never call me Bruce, you always call me Dr. Banner," he explains calmly. I smile meekly.

"Oh sorry," I mutter, blushing a little. I'm not sure why I feel sorry. I just kind of said it. Everyone does that when there is nothing better to say. I probably offended him or something.

"Why are you sorry?" Dr. Banner asks, a hint of sadness tugging at his tone. Why does he sound sad? Did me calling him Bruce make him upset?

"I thought I had offended you. The last thing wanted to do was to be rude, your my friend And I don't want to upset you." I mumble quickly, fidgeting with my hands a bit in my lap.

"Actually I quite prefer for you to call me Bruce instead of Dr. Banner," he says, I look over at him; searching his face for signs of him joking. Nothing. He's being serious.

"Really?" I question, seeing a smile on his face as he nods.

"Uh yeah," he chuckles. "I mean it is my name you know," he states, looking me dead in the eyes before we both start laughing for a short moment.

"Well do you still want to tell me what you were talking about?" he mentions, the smile falls from my face as I hope and pray he doesn't freak out me after I tell him.

"Oh uh, yeah ... Just please don't freak out on me when I tell you?" I say, questioning myself more than anything else.

"Steve seriously, why would I freak out? Me of all people! Don't you trust me?" he asks, crossing his arms across his chest. I sigh, I need to calm down.

"Yes I trust you," I state quickly, taking a deep breath. "I'm just being childish, okay? Ummm I-um well I am ...," I trail off lacking the words I wish to say.

"Steve" "Steve," Bruce pulls me from my thoughts, moving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I'm just really nervous," I state, looking at my lab as if were the most interesting thing in the whole world.

"It's alright, I already think I know what your going about say. I have decided it could only be one of two things," he says promptly , I freeze.

"You do?! What are you thinking?" I ask loudly, failing miserably at staying calm.

"Woah, calm down there Cap. I have two theories; you are gay or you're gay and have a crush on me. So which is it?" he asks so calmly it's almost scary. I stare at him, astonished.

"I-I am umm ... I am gay. But how did you know? ......You're very good looking an all but sorry Bruce I don't have a crush on you". I say laughing a little. Dr. Banner put his hand over his heart, clearly pretending like he is heart broken before we both burst out laughing.

"Actually I didn't know I just kinda guessed," he says, I smile a bit.

"Well at least I know I am not as flamboyant as I thought!" I say getting up to stand in most flamboyant stance ever. then I fall back down on to the couch cracking up laughing. I am glad Bruce thought it was funny as well.

"Can I tell you something now?" he asks looking straight at me.

"Of course" I say giggling a little, smiling gently at him. "I too have two theories for you as well, Dr... I meant Bruce."

"What might they be?" he questions, a smirk hinting at his lips.

"Well, either you're in love Natasha or you're gay," I say already knowing the answer, grinning at him.

"I'm in love with Natasha of course, you dork," Dr. Banner states, slapping the back of my head.

"Then what are you waiting for?" I say motioning to the door.

"Maybe a sign she likes me too!" He says like is suppose to be obvious.

"She was heart broken when you left, bruce. she really loves you, now
Go get her before its to late." I state full of happiness for my friend

He gets up goes into his bedroom. When he comes back into his lab I notice he had changed in to a nice, brand new, white t- shirt and blue jeans; the ones that Nat a wrote "luv u Bruce" on with a black pen. It is on the thigh part when she had a little too much to drink, but that was forever ago.

He hugs me the heads for the door.

"Thanks Steve!" He yells as he walks into the elevator, waving a goodbye to me.

The elevator closes

Well I hope you enjoyed the first part of this stony fan fic be nice tho this is my first actually trying fan fic so hope you like it!!!

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