Chapter 47- When The Past Resurfaces

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The silver rays of moonlight filter through the window, casting beams of light into Rapunzel's otherwise dark bedroom. After tying King Trevor to a seat with Rapunzel's hair, I notice him beginning to wake. I tap her shoulder and we run into the shadows. "You are not fooling anyone, buster," Rapunzel says from our hiding spot.

"We know why you're here." I lowly speak, my eyebrows furrowing.

Rapunzel and I step into the light, Rapunzel tightly gripping the handle of her frying pan, and me holding my wooden bow defensively, trying to establish a sense of fear within the king. "You've come to woo our mother." Rapunzel flatly says.

"Well, we've got bad news for you, your majesty," I hiss.

Rapunzel pokes King Trevor with the rim of her frying pan. "There will be no wooing of any kind. This is a no-woo zone." She firmly says.

"Not while these princesses are princessing." I threaten.

King Trevor is quick to the defense. "It is true. Long ago, I was naive enough to think that I could woo fair Arianna. But she remains married to Fredrick, and I respect the institution of marriage too much." He lowers his voice into a soft grumble. "Inter-kingdom law demands that I do."

The princess slowly recoils her frying pan back, an unsatisfied expression on her face. "All right."

My eyes narrow. "But we've got our eyes on you. And I mean it. One wrong move, and you're done."


"They're still so far ahead of us!!" Rapunzel cries as she gazes through her telescope at King Trevor's cyan-colored ship sailing across the sea.

"He's almost outside of the inter-kingdom waters!" I warn, pointing my finger to a map. "If he crosses the border nothing is stopping him from making a move on Mom!"

"If only there was a way we could go faster!" Varian groans. His eyes suddenly light up when he gets an idea. "Note to self: invent machine-powered boats when we get back on shore."

"Must I remind you that I am prone to sea sickness?!" Dad exclaims from the mast of the ship, not doing a spectacular job at being a lookout like he is supposed to.

I look up at my father, worry evident on my face. "Hang in there, Dad!"

Suddenly, Rapunzel's gasp cuts through the salty sea air. "He's asking her to sign the diary!!" She shrieks.

"Does everybody get to sign that book but me and you?!" Eugene exasperatedly sighs.

"Not the time, Eugene!!" I scold.

Rapunzel turns around to face all of us. "We gotta hurry!!"

From the ship's mast, Dad and Pascal begin frantically blowing, desperately trying to make our boat go faster.

As we near closer to King Trevor's barge, Varian calls to us from the ship's rails. "Uh, guys? I think we have a bigger problem on our hands!"

We all dart over to the alchemist and gasp in horror at what we see in the deep blue sea below us. Speeding through the ocean like a shark are dozens of seals clothed in goggles and black jumpsuits. They form the shape of a 'V' as they advance toward our ship. They're heading right for us.

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