Chapter Five

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Steve's party was in full swing. Drunken teenagers everywhere, the smell of weed making a haze that hung over the heads of everyone. I hadn't seen Billy since he beelined for a girl with long black hair and big boobs in a pair of jeans that looked painted on. That was an hour ago.

If I find him fucking her in the Riviera I'll kill him. I thought back to six months ago when I'd driven us to a party thrown by another one of the Hawkins Tigers. I was sober having to drive and I'd gone looking for him to see if he was ready to leave yet. I couldn't find him anywhere so decided to just take myself home.

As I walked closer to my car I noticed the windows were steamed up. And was she rocking? Oh hell no! Who the fuck is in my car?! I ran to the Buick before ripping the door open. I was greeted by the sight of Billy's bare ass in between a girls legs as he thrust in to her.

"BILLY FUCKING HARGROVE! YOUT GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" There was a yelp form the girl and a muttered curse from Billy. He clambered out of the car pulling up his jeans and shrugging in to his shirt. I don't know why he bothered wearing a shirt. He always had the buttons undone.

"Uh hey V." "Don't you hey V me! In my car?? Of all fucking places?!" He had the decency to look somewhat ashamed of himself. He looked down but then I caught a slight smirk on his face. That pissed me off more than anything. I took a step forward and shoved him making him stumble. The opposite door opened and the girl stumbled out. She looked at me fearfully before turning to Billy and saying "you said you didn't have a girlfriend! Fucking liar!" She slapped him before stomping away from us.

"So you ready to go?" "I was ready to go an hour ago Billy! I've been looking for you! I didn't think you'd be fucking some random in my car!" I shoved him again before climbing into the drivers seat of my car and speeding away, leaving him in my dust.

The next day I was out the front of my house wearing rubber gloves, disinfecting the back seat. I heard the familiar roar of a certain blue Camaro followed by a car door closing. I looked over my shoulder glaring at him. He approached me sheepishly before flicking his cigarette to the side.

"Sorry V. That wasn't cool of me. All the bedrooms were full and it was all I could think of." "Have you ever thought of not sticking your dick in everything that moves Hargrove?" "Honestly? No." Before I could stop him he'd pulled me into a bear hug, my feet leaving the ground. "I'm sorry V." I rolled my eyes but hugged him back.

When we pulled away Billy snatched the bottle of disinfectant from my hand and finished wiping down the back seat. When he was done he lit another cigarette and leant against the now closed door. "If it's any consolation, because of you I had a massive case of blue balls last night. I was about to nut when you opened the car door."

I gagged and threw a rubber glove at him. "Good. I'm glad!" He chuckled before holding out his cigarette too me which I snatched from his hand.

That was a year ago. If I catch him hooking up in my car again I'll clean it with his face. Whilst wandering around the party I found Robin and Steve again. This time drunkenly trying to bounce quarters in to a cup.

"Have you guys seen Billy?" Steve jerked his head in the direction of the back door. "Keg V". I rolled my eyes knowing what that meant. As I neared the back door I heard a crowd chanting Billy's name and looked outside to see him being held upside down with a keg tap in his mouth.

As he passed his own previous record he flipped back down on to his own feet and a spray of beer left his mouth in a high arc, his shirt was gone but he still wore his leather jacket over his blue jeans. His face lit up when he saw me and he stumbled over. "V! We're both busting records tonight!" He pulled me in to a sweaty, beery hug making me grimace and place my palms on his bare chest to shove him away.

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