🗣️ Can you tell me your name please? Do you have a place to be? 🏠

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Dance practice goes great, I'm so much better now. I guess all I had to do was stop being lazy and actually put all of my effort in. Not to mention if I keep this up I'll be back to proper weight in no time. I will make myself worthy of the member's and the fan's love.

Hoseok hyung comes over and pats my shoulder "That was great Jimin-ah! You're the best in the group at this routine now. We should film a dance practice video to show off your skills. The suggestion shocks me.

"Um Yeah sure totally!" I say pushing as much enthusiasm as I can into my voice, hoping he doesn't notice the shaking. I feel like I could pass out now. I want so badly to lean against Jungkook but he's . .

Where is he? I look around the room only to find him talking with Taehyung. He catches me staring and I turn away but not before I see him whisper something to Taehyung. I look at them in the corner of my eye, they keep looking at me then looking away and whispering for a few seconds then Jungkook shrugs and they go back to talking happily. I stamp down the jealousy and go to change out of my sweaty dance clothes.

I avoid looking in the mirror as I dress, not needing any more reminders of how disgusting I look.

(A/N Everyone you're all beautiful and important and you matter, you're all worthy of love, especially from yourselves please, please, please love yourselves and stay healthy and eat enough and take care of yourselves. Thank you all for reading this story it makes my day when I make content people enjoy. Have an amazing awesome day! 🙂)

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