Chapter 1: A magical girl

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Beta read by Opal





Space held many hidden dangers to the myriad of planets and trillions of living beings in a single galaxy alone. From nightmarish monsters that tear through space and flatten lands without effort to groups of people causing havoc on certain civilizations just to further their own goals and the unknown horror of worlds disappearing into the void of space and time. Keeping track of all of these dangers was nearly impossible for a normal planet, let alone some of the weaker civilizations that hadn't achieved space travel yet.

For this reason, many worlds banded together with a union to form the Time-Space Administrative Bureau, officially Administrative Bureau and commonly abbreviated as TSAB. Sworn to protect the galaxy and different worlds as a military-like force, keeping track of a planet's technological advances and providing relief in case of disasters — especially the ones caused by Lost Logias or happened to be magic related.

Lost Logias, magical items with varying potential for power where even the weakest one held power beyond anyone's imagination. To be described in a few words, one could describe them as legacies from lost civilizations — most originating from the lost civilizations of Ancient Belka. Weapons of mass destruction that the TSAB swore to keep away from the wrong hand.

Their duties never ceased, there was no break or resting for even a minute of negligence could mean the difference between life and death for millions of living beings. And this day wasn't different, for one of the spaceships belonging to the bureau, Maia, hovered right at the border of a red planet classified as hostile and dangerous due to being infested by ghoul-like monsters recently.

All units were warned of how the majority of the civilizations inhabiting the planet K7498-n7 in sector 7 were killed off in a matter of days, leaving only a fraction of the population alive and in need of immediate rescue.

The higher-ups issued an order for mages only B-ranked or above could go on this mission and find out the root cause of this disaster. Officer Nanoha Takamachi, a nineteen years old S-rank mage and battle instructor who specialized in air combat and user of Raising Heart volunteered for the particular mission.

"Agent Nanoha, we have discovered a Mana reading in the northern hemisphere at coordinates 48.8584 N and 2.2945 E. We have detected multiple presences of the infected monsters, please be careful. We've deployed A and B-ranked mages to rescue any humans they can find." On a large screen, a girl with blue hair appeared talking directly to their sole specialist on board capable of dealing with such cases by herself. "We've gotten permission from the superiors to remove your limiter and let you operate freely. Are you ready?" She asked the woman sitting all by herself inside the hangar.

Watching the state of the planet coupled with casualties and corpses of people she was too late to save, the brunette shook her head. This wasn't the time to get distracted with grief and sorrow for the people below, she needed to focus on saving those that still needed her help.

"I'm all good to go, Rein." Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her intelligent device and walked to the loading area waiting for the doors to open.

"We have entered the atmosphere, gates are opening in 3… 2… 1… Good Luck, Takamachi Nanoha."

The metal doors opened with her being greeted by a red sun and dark clouds blanketing the sky below her. She could already see the smoke and fire all the way up here coupled with the extreme heat from the dying planet.

"Let's go, Raising Heart!"

[As you command, master. Activating Device Mode.]

The small red marble flashed with a bright white with the device activating. Her previous white suit disappeared before getting replaced with a barrier jacket and her ponytail hair changed into a twin tail. As the transformation ended, Nanoha didn't waste any more time before immediately flying out of the spaceship with Raising Heart held firmly in her hand.

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