Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Beta read by Opal.





It was supposed to be a simple routine patrol.

Their team gathered at the auction to survey the surroundings and ensure the artifacts weren't damaged or stolen. With the recent attack on the convoy, security had increased tremendously according to Hayate. Their group specifically was asked to take part in this auction and safeguard everything, including the guests due to their prior experience of having dealt with those drones.

Herself and Subaru were asked to survey the southern region, the forest more specifically. With Subaru's rollerblades and her eyesight, she was certain that nothing would escape their watch. 'Then again, the surveillance team is also keeping watch, they'll most likely spot anything before us.'

"This is quite boring, isn't it?" her teammate commented with a sigh, having grown tired of walking around the area for the better part of an hour. "While I'm happy we get involved with such important missions, it just doesn't feel fulfilling with us just walking around for a bit before going back."

"I think we would be more useful if we could guard the inside of the auction," Teana gave her own thoughts on the matter, neither agreeing nor denying it. She also had a small part of her mind wondering about the same topic. "But there is no point putting too much thought with such things, better we just focus on our current task."

Ever since the attack on the train by those drones, each programmed to seek out precious artifacts, it made sense why their team was called onto the scene given their prior experience dealing with such entities.

Another piece of important information was the anti-magic capability of those drones. Teana didn't know if they would have been able to take down these entities without their devices; Erio himself had nearly been hit by the inability to use his spear by surprise.

Her guns wouldn't have worked, and Subaru wouldn't have been able to deliver any kind of damage without her devices. Back then, for a brief moment, she honestly worried that their first mission would end in failure or with one of their members getting hurt. A possible outcome that Teana knew would have weighed on her mind for ages, hindering many future assignments and her own confidence.

Nonetheless, they somehow succeeded, with Shirou having used his blades, those weapons sharp enough to be characterized as devices themselves yet completely different. Her hands and body still shook at the memory of getting hit by his weapons, especially Subaru who took a rather strong strike from him during their first duel bringing it up from time to time.

It still shocked her to realize that he had been holding back, even without Nanoha having to reveal that tidbit afterward. 'Yet he continued to deny it.' When she brought up the topic, the boy never gave her a straight answer, merely saying that he had a hard time against them. Whether that was a lie or truth she could not say, but one thing Teana became certain of was that he could beat them once again, and it wouldn't be because of luck.

She... she still had a lot to do to become stronger.

"What happened with Shirou?" Subaru asked, curious about the whereabouts of their certain redheaded teammate. "I thought we were supposed to be patrolling together... don't tell me he lost track of time and is hanging out with Nanoha-san"

Teana shook her head in response, "No, I don't think they would waste that much time, and Nanoha-san will be together with Hayate-san and Fate-san. Shirou should be coming over anytime soon, he can always ask the communication team for our whereabouts or just contact us."

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