Chapter 2: New beginnings

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Beta read by Opal





(A few weeks later)

In a large harbor were rows of container ships where the stationer was a team of labor workers carrying large boxes and other miscellaneous items from the boat's cargo to the storage facility on land. Some were doing checks for any damages, counting, and inventory, and a few lazing around smoking cigarettes. 

"Hey kid, want one?" James, one of the labor workers, offered a blunt to a new recruit who joined a few days ago. He worked for hours on end while doing a large part of the heavy lifting whilst only taking a quick ten-minute break to eat before starting once again. 

A youngling who wanted to prove himself, a sight James had seen many times in the past. Just because their bodies were young and strong they barely paid any attention before regretting it heavily in a matter of a few years and even months for those who pushed themselves a bit too far. 

The new kid was a foreigner, probably a student who tried to earn enough money to pay for his studies and rent. He respected such a mentality and wanted to help the redhead with his burdens a tiny bit.

Shirou turned his head at the middle-aged bald man offering him the last remaining cigarette inside the pack and politely refused. "Thanks but I don't smoke, I appreciate the gesture though." 

"Good, you shouldn't smoke when young, that's my bad." James took it for himself, lighting it up and taking a large puff. "Fuuu, you should rest more, Sherou, your body needs it. I know we're getting paid by the hour, but if you're so pressed for money then me and the buddies can treat you to a meal and drink at the pub down the road after every shift."

 "It's Shirou," he sweatdropped at the name, even in another world it kept following for some reason — though he didn't mind when Luvia used it. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm indeed lacking money but it isn't that urgent. I'm just working hard to take my mind off of some things."

He couldn't help but sigh inwardly again at those words, a hardship he has been going through for the last few days. When brought back to Earth by Nanoha and soon after discovering this wasn't even his original reality — Shirou felt lost. 

Afraid, worried, and stressed over his current case and how he could go back without the assistance of Second Magic. Without a place to live anymore, he didn't sleep the entire night and went to the local library to research Fuyuki. As expected, not a single mention of the city, a fact that further pushed him down a despairing road. Would Rin come for him? Could she pinpoint his location and take him back? He hoped so, that was why Shirou had been waiting. 

Hours turned into days, then days, weeks, and nearly a month passed since his arrival to this world and his hope continued to dwindle with each passing day. During the passage of time, he couldn't just stand around and do nothing. First, there was the issue of getting money to feed himself and finally finding a place to live. 

His Projection could technically allow him to print money, but it was both wrong and went against his beliefs — so he just went job hunting until an opportunity presented itself to work at the harbor. As for his living arrangements… Shirou returned to the old lady inside the apartment where he and Rin lived and asked her if she was willing to let him stay for a little bit. At first, she once again closed the door to his face until he used his own cooking and house-cleaning skills to impress her. 

"Must be some messed up thing that happened to you if you're pushing yourself this far. Did you go through a breakup? Found your girl cheating on you? Dead relatives? Wait, it must be the stress from your education. I went through the same bloody mess back in my teenage years. Crazy time." James said, already halfway through his cigarette. "Still, you're quite strong for a kid your age, I saw you pull that giant broken anchor chain. It usually takes two people to do that. Yet I just can't see where you're hiding all that muscle."

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