Chapter 3: Initiation

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Beta read by Opal





The light of dawn seeped inside Shirou's room, rousing the redhead from his sleep. The man rubbed his bleary amber eyes and slowly opened them to be met with an unfamiliar white ceiling. His memories were blank for a second before everything came flooding in. His accidental teleportation to another reality entirely, meeting a Magical Girl called Nanoha on a ghoul-infested planet, the days he spent living with Miss Brown, and finally his second meeting with the brunette. To think so much happened in a relatively small amount of time, though it wasn't nearly as crazy as the Holy Grail War.

"Hmm," Shirou stretched his arms, grateful that the girls managed to secure a room to sleep for the night. He remembered Nanoha inviting him to her apartment, even if it was for a single night, Shirou still declined as it was a bit too awkward given they were still barely acquaintances. "Hayate-san is quite generous, to be able to let me stay in such a place…"

The woman he met yesterday, Hayate Yagami, a friend of Nanoha, was apparently a big figure who held a high position in the Time-Space Administrative Bureau. The boy did not get to speak with her much during the ride inside the spaceship, he and Nanoha were discussing his next course of action and any plans he had for the future.

Honestly, he had no idea how he would be of help to the girls yet, having almost no knowledge of how this organization worked. But with the little he learned beforehand, it was no different than a policing body responsible to maintain order and stability in many worlds. Finding and securing weapons of mass destruction, helping planets and civilizations in need. As for why those who worked for the TSAB, the mages, ended up having Magical Girl outfits was something Shirou decided to ignore.

He walked to the window, opening the curtains to see a pearly glow of the sky. Futuristic-designed skyscrapers with countless holographic screens appearing mid-air somehow. It really looked far different than anything he had seen on Earth, he even spotted mountains in the distance along with the greenery blending perfectly with the architecture.

"Everything just looks clean."

The room itself was big, the bed itself being King sized which far surpassed his expectations. This space alone was probably as big as the apartment that he and Miss Brown lived in, it was a bit too much in his opinion.

Wearing his old clothes, Shirou left the bedroom and onto the living room where the kitchen was, a coffee would do him a lot of good. He was curious about how food and beverages would differ from Earth.

"Hm, I'm not familiar with this kind of coffee maker… where are the buttons?" Feeling completely out of his element, Shirou blinked a couple of times as tried to comprehend how this particular machine worked. "Was this how Tohsaka felt when dealing with technology?"

That girl was terrible with technology, far more so than a regular Magus, as Luvia regularly used a phone throughout the entire day and even had a laptop. Lord El Melloi himself used one and recorded much of his research on both paper and digital. At least those two didn't fire a Gandr at objects that frustrated them.

"Just hover your hand over the lid and it turns on by itself."

"Ah, I see, amazing!" Following the voice's instructions, Shirou did as mentioned and saw the coffee maker turn on with a holographic menu popping out with various options for different kinds of beverages — even fruit juice.




Wait a minute, a voice?

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