Chapter 9: To Save Someone

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Beta read by Opal




Beta read by Opal





“So you'll be monitoring the auction directly? Are you certain anyone is brave enough to actually do so?” Walking through the corridors, Shirou commented on the overall plan.

“It is better this way. Also, are you going to be patrolling with Subaru-chan and Teana-chan?” Nanoha asked, walking in her pink-themed dress while garnering some attention from passing people.

“I believe so, Hayate hasn't given me any specific orders. I've only been told to walk around and make sure to help anyone in case of an emergency.” Not a bad order gave him a lot of room to move around and was generally vague. Whether it was on purpose or Hayate had something in mind he couldn't tell. “By the way, Nanoha, have you gotten any word on the possible whereabouts of Lutecia?”

He asked one question that kept bugging him all the while, one that had Nanoha shake her head with a disappointed smile. “Unfortunately no, it's the same as before, any and all records show no traces of these two, and weirdly enough, we couldn't even find any footage of them walking around town or even during the time you were with her. All of the footage disappeared.”

“Wait, disappeared? I hope you realize what this sounds like…”

“Trust me, all of us were rather shocked about this discovery. The idea that we have a traitor amongst our ranks is worrisome, and with how many that are working in our department it makes it kinda impossible to single one out as those immediately responsible for managing the archives were found to be innocent. But don't worry, Shirou, this is only a minor setback and with enough time we will find some clues about their whereabouts.”

He sighed, “I sure hope so.”

Both became silent, having reached the main door leading to the hall. Walking inside they were greeted by the sight of another person waiting for them.

"Where were you two?" Standing on a balcony within a grand amphitheater, Fate turned her head to find Shirou and Nanoha returning from her room, most likely. The brunette was wearing a beautiful dress that complemented her figure, while the redhead hadn't changed.

A smirk emerged on the blonde's face; Fate knew her friend better than anyone else. She knew her previous invitation to the redhead, which was seen as a bold move by many, was merely to ask him to help out with the luggage. Despite her maturity, she learned long ago that Nanoha was not an adept user of words with hidden intentions. The girl was always completely straightforward to a fault, never bothering to use wordplay or cunning strategies. ‘Then again, Nanoha has no idea that befriending someone doesn't involve launching a nuke-level attack, face front to her opponent, before somehow getting them to join her side.’

Ironic that she went through a similar fate, speaking from both experience and intuition about her friend's personality.

"You look wonderful, Fate-chan," Nanoha said, complementing her friend, as Shirou got distracted by the numerous people present downstairs. All wearing equally eye-catching suits and dresses, a place he felt very out of place. Walking up to him, both girls rested their hands upon the wooden fence as they surveyed the floor below. Despite the number of guests numbering in the near thousands, or even more, there was not the sound of a chaotic space. Instead, it was a calm and soothing environment that earned the respect of many.

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