Chapter 6: Drone attack

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Beta read by Opal





The atmosphere in the Time-Space Administrative Bureau's meeting room was somber as the high-ranking officers gathered to discuss critical matters relating to their budget and ongoing wars on different planets. The holographic screens displayed charts and graphs, highlighting the strain on their resources and the growing conflicts that demanded their attention.

Commander Graham Specter, a seasoned veteran known for his strategic acumen, leaned forward, addressing the room. "The tensions over scarce resources on planets Kandov, Tinerth, and Oler are escalating," he said, his voice tinged with concern. "We need to allocate more manpower to support our ground forces there in case any group decides to cause trouble for the locals. Though I think it would be a better outcome if we find a way to resolve the underlying problem of lacking food and water."

General Melissa Armstrong, the stoic and efficient head of the Bureau's logistics division, nodded in agreement. "We can divert some of the funds from the research and development department and allocate more resources," she suggested. "Their current projects are not as time-sensitive as the situations on those planets."

Regius Gaiz, a Lieutenant General known for his strict demeanor, raised his hand, signaling for the discussion to halt momentarily. His gaze swept across the room, his steely eyes filled with a sense of duty and responsibility. "Before we proceed any further, I'd like to bring a matter to the forefront that has come to my attention recently," he said, his voice commanding attention before having his gaze fall on his brown-haired colleague who had been silent since the beginning.

Hayate sat at the head of the table, her expression composed yet attentive. She nodded at Regius, acknowledging his request to address the issue.

Regius continued, "It has come to my knowledge that a certain individual named Shirou Emiya has been registered as an officially recognized mage within the Time-Space Administrative Bureau, despite not being from our reality — an 'outsider' if I had to give it a name."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the room, and many officers exchanged puzzled glances. The concept of someone from an entirely different world being involved in their operations was both fascinating and concerning.

Regius looked at Hayate, seeking confirmation. "Is it true, Commander Yagami? Do you affirm that this Shirou Emiya is not from our world?"

Hayate nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's true," she confirmed. "Shirou Emiya hails from a parallel reality. He was brought to our attention when we detected a powerful anomaly that led us to him on planet K97498-N7, a ghoul infestation that nearly wiped out the local population. Instructor Nanoha Takamachi who found him keeping the few remaining survivors alive and the monsters at bay."

The assembled officers murmured among themselves, their curiosity piqued by this unforeseen development. The concept of parallel worlds and dimensional anomalies was not a new one to the Time-Space Administrative Bureau, but it was rare to encounter someone who had crossed over from another reality.

Regius frowned, his true intentions still not as evident. "And why was this individual presented as an unknown element to our military forces without consulting everyone first?" he demanded. "Such actions could have severe consequences."

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