03. Perfidious

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2 x 01 - The Return

The next day, Rosalie woke to chirping birds and the sun peeking through her curtains

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The next day, Rosalie woke to chirping birds and the sun peeking through her curtains. This was probably the best night of sleep she ever had as she was in the comfort of her brother's house.

Damon insisted it was her house as well, so she'd have to get used to calling it her home. He had already prepared a room for her; he would always have a room ready for her no matter where he stayed. Damon had said it was to keep her memory alive and then joked about how his denial and delusions had finally paid off.

She got ready and headed downstairs to find Stefan making her breakfast. They were still a little anxious to be around one another. Not due to fear but because they worried that they'd mess up this chance to reconcile.

"We didn't have any food, so I went to get you some earlier. I, uh, I hope you like this. I wasn't sure what to get, but I wanted you to have something when you woke up, and—" Stefan started to ramble, but Rosalie stopped him.

"It's perfect, Stefan. Thank you." She smiled reassuringly. He returned a small smile and handed her the plate of scrambled eggs, fruit, and toast. She ate quietly, and Stefan drank his coffee from the opposite side of the kitchen island. He didn't want to push her to open up to him, opting to wait for her to let him in when she was ready. Stefan was so glad she even let him be in her presence that he'd do anything to keep that privilege.

Damon walked down the steps and entered the kitchen with a slight pep in his steps. He reached for a piece of toast on his sister's plate, took a bite, then gave her a smug smile. "Hey!" She exclaimed.

"You ready to go, birdy?" Damon asked.

She raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

"The mayor's wake." He answered.

"You want me to go to a wake for someone I don't even know?" She asked. It was weird, but when had Damon ever been normal?

"Don't look at it this way! We're mingling with the townsfolk so they don't realize we're big bad vampires." He emphasized his last words, making her grin.

"I'm not a big bad vampire," Rosalie argued. The siblings reunited less than 12 hours ago and were already back to their old ways.

Damon groaned dramatically. "Big bag witch, same difference. Now let's go." He grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door, leaving her barely any time to call out another "thank you!" to Stefan for the food.

" He grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door, leaving her barely any time to call out another "thank you!" to Stefan for the food

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