05. Full Moon

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2 x 03 - Bad Moon Rising

Another day had passed, and the crew had decided to "divide and conquer

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Another day had passed, and the crew had decided to "divide and conquer."

Damon, Elena, and Alaric headed to Duke University to gather information about werewolves from Isobel's research. Elena would also take this as an opportunity to learn more about her lineage.

While they were gone, Stefan and Rosalie decided to stay in Mystic Falls. They would keep an eye on Caroline and help her learn how to live with vampirism. The siblings were now in Caroline's bedroom, the girl sat on her bed with crossed legs.

Rosalie took out a small pouch from her pocket and handed it to Caroline. It contained a handful of lapis lazuli rings, from which Rosalie would make a daylight ring for the new vampire. The witch wanted the girl to be able to choose the jewelry she'd have to wear for the rest of her life.

"Choose wisely," Rosalie sat in front of her. "I'm only making one."

Caroline took her time choosing her ring. She ended up picking a silver one with a square blue jewel. Rosalie took back the other ones, pocketing them once again. "It won't take long."

"Don't you need a book with spells or something?" Caroline wondered.

Rosalie gave her a soft smile, and simply said, "No."

The blonde nodded and observed as the witch performed the spell. Rosalie held the ring in the palm of her hand, closing her eyes. The curtains suddenly opened so that sunlight would touch the ring directly. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes back up and handed the ring to Caroline. "All done."

Caroline raised an eyebrow, putting on the ring. "So that's it? I mean nothing witchy happened. You know, no flickering lights, no gust of wind. Have you ever done this before?"

"Caroline..." Stefan cautioned.

"What? I just want to make sure that it worked." She said sheepishly.

"I'm 167 years old, I've done this more times than I can count." She walked to the curtains and opened them completely, putting Caroline in the sunlight, making the girl shriek and cover her face with her arms.

"It worked."


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