11. Seven

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The air was humid and the grass below her bare feet was damp

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The air was humid and the grass below her bare feet was damp. She could barely see past the thick cloud of fog that covered the clearing she found herself in.

Rosalie stood up and tried to look around for any indication of where she was, but there was nothing. Suddenly, she heard whispers in the wind, and shadows appeared in a circle around her. Rosalie thought she should've been scared, but she felt comfortable as if she was meant to be here.

A few seconds passed before the shadows became silhouettes and eventually seven human figures. The spirits all wore dark cloaks that covered their faces, but Rosalie could make out their different heights and sizes. Every single one of them gave out this mystical and powerful energy.

Their foreign chant grew stronger and stronger, as did the wind. Rosalie couldn't understand what they were saying, but it seemed like they were all speaking different languages.

Rosalie tried to get their attention and ask them what were they doing, but she was ignored. She looked down to see a snake circling her feet as if it were chasing its tail.

The seven figures turned their palms towards Rosalie and lights appeared in the fog that spun harshly around them.

Rosalie felt it was harder to breathe as the wind grew stronger. The snake that coiled around her feet tightened its hold and took its tail in its mouth.

Rosalie woke up with a gasp. She felt groggy and disoriented, but she knew that something profound, yet strange, had happened. The witch looked to her right to see her younger brother looking at her with concern written all over his face.

"What happened?" Rosalie croaked out.

Stefan kept the hand he had placed on her shoulder when she had started to thrash around in her sleep. "It was just a nightmare, you're okay, you're safe."

"Yeah..." Rosalie seemed a bit confused at first, but she realized that Stefan probably assumed she had a nightmare about the kidnapping. "How long was I out?"

"Over twelve hours. You needed to rest." He replied. Then, his expression fell. "You scared us, Rose."

"I'm fine. Really." She answered as she sat up. It was the truth, she didn't feel any pain anymore and she felt full of energy.

Stefan didn't want to start arguing with her. He was just relieved that she had made it out safely. "I'm glad you are."

"How's Elena?" Rosalie wondered.

"She's good, thanks to you." The vampire smiled softly.

"Don't thank me, she would've been just fine without me. I didn't really help." She replied and got out of her bed.

"That's not true... She said you protected her." Stefan frowned.

Rosalie disagreed. She believed that she had been utterly useless. It wasn't her fault as she was in no shape to use that much magic, but she was her own biggest critic. Stefan took her out of her thoughts.

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