14. Revelation

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2 x 11 - By the Light of the Moon

"I swear, I had never seen something like that before! I can't believe werewolves have to go through that every full moon

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"I swear, I had never seen something like that before! I can't believe werewolves have to go through that every full moon."

"Yeah, crazy..." Caroline and Rosalie were in the parlor of the boarding house where the witch was going through all of her grimoires, looking for a solution to get Stefan out of the tomb. Rosalie wasn't particularly focused on what Caroline was saying, but the vampire didn't seem to notice.

"I think I'm gonna keep helping Tyler," Caroline stated, and she looked up at the tall ceilings as she was sprawled on the couch. "During his transformations, I mean."

At this, Rosalie looked up from her grimoire. "What do you mean by 'help him'?"

"Like, stay with him, I guess." Caroline shrugged, ignoring Rosalie's sharp stare. "For support."

"You're aware that if he bites you, you'll die, right?" Rosalie cautioned.

The vampire looked down sheepishly. "We don't know that for sure."

"Personally I wouldn't take the risk but you do what you want." Rosalie sighed and looked back down to the book in her hands. "I have to focus on this."

Caroline sat up and leaned towards the witch who was sitting on the ground. "Any plan so far?"

"Nothing good. Katherine isn't stupid enough to go to the entrance of the tomb where I could incapacitate her and I don't want to risk Stefan's safety." Rosalie passed a hand through her hair, a defeated look upon her face. "At this point, I should just use dark magic and be done with it."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing." The blonde vampire worried.

"Well, it's not like I've never used it before," Rosalie stated nonchalantly. Caroline raised her eyebrows in surprise and waited for clarification which never came. "Don't ask."

"Alright, well, tell me when you found something. I need to go to school." The teen got up and slung her bag over her shoulder.

Rosalie mumbled a goodbye and kept going through the pages of her grimoires. Every time she thought she had finally found a solution, something made it impossible to work.

If she decided to opt for an offensive option, she would risk putting Stefan in danger. Katherine always had many tricks up her sleeve, and she wouldn't hesitate to save herself by sacrificing others. On the other hand, if she decided to open the gate in any way shape, or form, there would be a risk that Katherine would escape and that wasn't an option.

Rosalie groaned and leaned back so she'd be lying on the floor. She grabbed the glass of bourbon she had left behind her and took a gulp. She then stared up at the ceiling, praying for a solution to come to her.

Right as she told herself that she'd just march into the tomb and knock Katherine out herself, a knock on her door resonated. The witch chugged her strong beverage and went to the front door.

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