15. Phoenix

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2 x 12 - The Descent

Marie was in the library, her skin was unusually pale and the bags under her eyes were prominent

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Marie was in the library, her skin was unusually pale and the bags under her eyes were prominent. She sat on a chair with her back slumped forward and she stared down at nothing.

Rosalie sat next to her and she couldn't help but feel bad for the vampire. This seemed like a terrible way to go. Damon entered carrying a blood bag and a glass.

"I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old," Marie stated with a dull tone.

"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." Damon replied which earned him a stern glare from his sister.

Rosalie believed that Damon was trying to hide his feelings through his dry humor. It was an unfortunate sight, as it seemed like Marie had probably been his first real friend in decades.

"So I can die. I've lived long enough." The sick vampire decided.

"You know, if you're gonna be mourn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery." Damon deadpanned as he poured the blood into the glass he brought.

Rosalie glared at him again. "If you're gonna be an asshole, you can leave."

Marie chuckled weakly at their banter, as it reminded her of herself and Trevor. She almost envied the siblings, because as close as she had been to Trevor, she had never had a bond as special as the one the Salvatores had.

"Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite." Damon encouraged as he handed her the glass of blood.

"Just a little, fatal to a vampire, werewolf bite." Marie smiled bitterly.

"Well, according to a legend which is a notoriously unreliable source. Drink up." He put the glass of blood in her hands. "Blood heals."

The vampire drank the entire content of the glass and nodded slowly. "Yeah, it does feel like it's working."

"Let's have a look, okay?" Rosalie suggested with a kind voice. Marie turned to her left and let the witch lower her sweater to take a look at the bite mark.

Damon stepped closer and once he set his eyes on her injury, he scowled. It was a gruesome sight; the wound had grown all over her shoulder blade and even further down her back, The skin was irritated, swollen, and infected. The color of her skin was a mix of red and purple, and in some places, it seemed as if it was necrotic.

"How is it?" Marie asked.

"Definitely...better," Damon said unconvincingly. He then noticed the doppelgänger entering the room. "Right, Elena?"

Elena stood at the entrance, shocked at the sight of Marie's back. Rosalie put Marie's shirt back in place and the latest turned around to look at the teenager.

"Um, it's not bad." Elena tried her best to sound encouraging.

"Where's Stefan?" Rosalie asked softly.

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