08. Punisher

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2 x 06 - Plan B

As Rosalie cooked herself lunch, someone knocked at the door

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As Rosalie cooked herself lunch, someone knocked at the door. Damon heard the knock but didn't seem to be bothered by the presence of a visitor, so he remained sprawled on his bed. With a sigh, Rosalie swung the front door open and was met by a brunette teenage boy.

"Hi, I need to talk to Damon. Is he here?" The boy said. He was quite tall for someone that young and his features were familiar.

Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "That depends, who are you?"

He seemed taken aback by her reaction but complied with her question anyway. "I'm Jeremy, Elena's brother."

Rosalie didn't know much about Jeremy, except for the fact that Elena didn't seem to want him involved in their world. She wondered what he and Damon would even have to talk about but she figured that it was something she'd find out later. She let him in and headed towards the living room which Damon had conveniently just walked into.

"Why is baby Gilbert here?" Damon questioned, slightly annoyed by the unwanted guest in his home.

Rosalie answered before Jeremy could. "He said he needed to talk to you."

"So you let him in?" Damon huffed at his sister's careless attitude.

"Yeah," She replied, not paying mind to Damon's indignation.

"And what if I don't care what he has to say? Have you ever thought of that?" The vampire pointed out.

Rosalie sat on a nearby chair, a small grin on her face. "That's not my problem."

Jeremy, who had silently been observing the exchange, decided to interject the siblings' argument. "I've found out some things I think you'd be interested in."

"Such as?" Rosalie spoke up before her brother could kick Jeremy out of their house.

The Gilbert boy focused his attention on the redhead and spoke confidently. "Tyler Lockwood has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet."

Damon looked at Jeremy with an unimpressed look. "Wow, fascinating. Not enough. Get out."

Damon attempted to lead the boy outside, but Jeremy insisted. "But Mason Lockwood is, and he's looking for a moonstone, a special rock connected to the werewolf legend. That's why he's here."

"Did you say moonstone?" Rosalie's interest peaked. She had heard vaguely of the stone, but she knew it was an important object that many fought over.

Jeremy nodded, "Yeah, and I know where it is."

"And you're telling us why?" The raven-haired man couldn't help but ask.

Rosalie got up and approached the two men. "Who cares Damon? If Mason wants the moonstone, that means Katherine wants it."

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