16. Foes and Friends

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2 x 13 ~ Daddy Issues

"The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and park ranger who have yet to be found, as well as 25-year-old Jessica Cohen, reported missing this morning

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"The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and park ranger who have yet to be found, as well as 25-year-old Jessica Cohen, reported missing this morning. The sheriff's department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made. In related news, Mayor Lockwood spoke earlier today..."

It had been an hour since Marie had left Mystic Falls. After she had been brought back to life by Rosalie Salvatore, the vampire had offered her help to the siblings, but they categorically refused. As much as her offer was appreciated, they believed that Marie should use this second chance to live her life instead of being on the run. Emotional goodbyes had been exchanged, and Marie promised to keep in touch, swearing that she'd forever remain in their debt.

The ritual had taken a lot of energy from Rosalie. The witch had slept for almost twelve hours and still felt a bit tired when she woke up. Of course, her brothers worried for her, but she had dismissed them.

The three Salvatore siblings were now in Stefan's bedroom. Rosalie comfortably sat on her younger brother's bed, leaning against his pillows. Damon and Stefan stood in the middle of the room, the both of them were arguing about what Stefan had done yesterday.

"You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big 'Save Elena' move?" Damon exclaimed.

"I went to go look for Isobel, and I got John instead." Stefan retorted. "He said he can help us, and we're desperate."

"We're not that desperate, Stefan. The guy tried to barbecue me!" He argued.

"Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed."

Rosalie decided to butt in, "It wasn't."

"How do you know that?" Damon questioned.

"When will you stop questioning whether I'm right or not? I'm always right." She replied simply, unbothered by her brother's annoyed behavior.

"Well, you and Elena are putting all your faith into some deal that you made with Elijah to keep everyone safe." Stefan countered and then looked back at Damon. "I mean, do you trust Elijah?"

"I do." Rosalie chimed in.

"Well, I don't trust him. He's an Original, he can't be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and kill him because apparently, he can't die!" Stefan stated with vigor.

"I'm still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer." Damon crossed his arms.

"He knew about the sacrifice, Isobel told him. He said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe." Stefan insisted.

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