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   Is this? The longest chapter I've written? Quite possibly.

   This chapter happens immediately after the last one, so Maigo is still napping with Shota in the beginning.


"Guys, you're not gonna believe this!"

"Awww, she looks so cute!"

"How long has it been since we've seen her?"

"I don't think I've seen her since we first moved in!"

Maigo cracks her eyes open and immediately squints against the afternoon sun glinting through the windows.

   A crowd surrounds the two of them. The figures hang mostly in shadow, silhouetted by the setting sun, yet she can make out the ones closest to her. There is a girl with a short brown bob, a boy with bubble-like purple hair, and -

Oh no.

She squishes her face farther into Shota's leg. She'd disappear if she could, but instead she settles for never making a deal with the dark-haired man ever again.

   "Maigo, I am willing to help you strengthen your quirk but that's on the condition that you won't use it to disappear anymore."

She would have created an illusion of herself shaking his hand and thus escaped the deal, had he not been using his own quirk since the beginning of their conversation.

Instead she is stuck, completely visible, surrounded by her former classmates as she tries to fold her own body in on itself. Classmates she tricked and lied to.

Classmates she basically shrugged off as soon as she got the chance.

There is a hand on the back of her head, rubbing her hair. It is reassuring, if not terribly wanted. Anything that does not quell the stream of voices surrounding her is not welcome right this second.

"Hey, Pipsqueak," a finger jabs her side. She goes to smack it away but instead has her wrist caught in a hand. The person's grip is not too tight, but it does cause her to shoot straight up. A pair of red eyes stares right back at her, spiky, sandy hair almost covering them. "Are ya gonna talk to us or what?"

She bites her lower lip, turning her head to the side in an attempt to avoid eye contact. She is rewarded with two gruff hands gripping her middle, lifting her off the couch, and settling her in a lap. Shota's arms wrap around her, holding her in place so she can't escape.

Yeah. That deal really should not have been made.

"This will be today's exercise in socialization," he whispers to her. She kicks his shin with her heel in response, then crosses her arms and fixes her face on the ground. Shota ignores her and moves to address his students instead.

"You are allowed to ask her questions, but they need to be respectful," the emphasis Shota puts on the last word leaves no room for objections.

"Wait, hang on," a voice pipes up from the back. The accompanying hand waving frantically in the air belongs to Mina. "How are we supposed to understand her if we don't play charades?"

"It's American Sign Language," Shota grumbles. "Present Mic is teaching her."

"Yeah, but he's not teaching us," Mina whines back.

Maigo doesn't even need to turn to know Shota is fixing the pink-skinned girl with his famous glare. Nor does she need to see Mina to know said glare had made its point.

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