Names and Noobies

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   "I have an announcement to make," Shota's voice is stern. His eyes remain steady over the sea of teenagers, watching as they shift uneasily in their seats. A handful of them keep glancing over toward the door, where a puff of fuzzy pink hair shivers from behind the wall. Mineta is practically standing up in his seat to get a better look around the corner, while Midoriya glances up every so often while scribbling something down in his old, weathered notebook. Bakugo lounges back in his chair, completely uninterested in whatever is going on. In the back of the classroom, the newest student, Tomei-Sei cranes her neck over the row in front of her, rocking side to side in her seat to catch even the slightest glimpse of the doorway.

   Shota clears his throat. "We have a new student with us today," it takes all his effort to keep his voice from breaking. "I expect you treat her as you would treat any of your others classmates," his gaze shoots over to the purple-haired boy oggling in his seat. "Which means you will treat her with respect," he finishes coldly.

   "Yes, Mr. Aizawa," his class monotones.

   "Good," Shota deadpans back. He turns toward the door, softening his expression as he motions with his hand. The small form inches closer into the classroom, her hand permanently attached to her mouth. Shota gives the girl a reassuring look before turning back to his other students.

   "This is your new classmate, Maigo," he announces.


   Shota turns toward Maigo. His eyes are soft and dark. "Your seat is in the back," he informs her.

   Slowly, the girl walks down the aisle to her seat. With each step, the floorboards creak. The walls seem to move closer and closer. She can feel more and more eyes trained on her still trembling form. It takes her years to reach her chair.

   She reaches a hand out and places it on the armrest. The wheels rattle softly as she pushes the chair out and slides onto it. Maigo scoots herself forward, hoping that if she just stays staring at her new desk everyone will just look away. Briefly, she peeks up to her left. A girl with glossy chocolate curls raises her hand. Bright blue sparks dance across her fingers as she waves to the smaller, pink-haired girl. Maigo grabs a textbook out of her backpack and props it up in front of her, burying her head in between the pages. She just wants this day to be over.

   "Anyway," Shota continues, the class's attention back on him. "We have a big class today, on Hero Informatics." The students tense up in their seats. The black-haired tape boy begins sweating, while the spiky yellow-haired one begins glancing around the room.

   "You need codenames. Time to pick your hero identities," Shota announces, his voice never losing the tired annoyance it always sports.

   "This is gonna be totally awesome!!!" the class cheers in unison.

   Shota's eyes flash red across the sea of rowdy students. They all immediately calm down under his cutting gaze.

   "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned the last time we were in class together," Shota continues. "Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet, not until the second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Many offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation though," he warns.

   A mutter of "Stupid selfish adults" makes its way from the back of the room.

   Farther behind, Maigo closes her eyes and listens to her father ramble on about the sports festival. It was interesting to watch, mostly because she was allowed to sit in the announcers' booth with Shota and Uncle 'Zashi. In any break between their commentary, Hizashi would place Maigo on his knee and point out the students in class 1-A, explaining their quirks and personalities to the young girl. The two also placed "bets" on who they thought would win the festival, Hizashi actually crying when the brown-haired gravity girl ended up losing during her fight. Never in a million years did Maigo think she would actually be joining the class that became so famous over the past few weeks.

   "These hero names will likely be temporary," Shota continues. "But take them seriously, or-"

   "You'll have hell to pay later!" another voice interrupts as the classroom door slides open. The students gaze in awe and excitement as the R-rated hero Midnight waltzes into the classroom and goes to stand by their homeroom teacher. "What you pick today could be your codename for life," she drawls. "You better be careful, or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent!"

   "Yeah, she's got a good point," Shota agrees. "Midnight is going to have final approval over your names. It's not my forte." He reaches down and scoops up his bright yellow sleeping bag, glaring at the class one last time. "The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be in the future. A codename tells people exactly what you represent. Take All Might, for example," his tone is almost mocking. The dark-haired hero rolls his eyes before slinking over to the corner and plopping down in it, hair falling into his face.

   Maigo leans over on her desk, her chin pressing down onto the cold, smooth surface. She grips her marker in one hand and tips the poster board down on top of her head. It collides on her forehead with a dull THUNK! If no one can see her, then they won't pay attention.

   All too soon, Midnight calls for everyone's attention again. "Now students," she announces, "who among you is ready to share?"

   The mood in the classroom shifts uneasily with the students. Maigo squirms farther down in her seat. Her first day of class and she's going to be exploited in front of everybody? Her new classmates look around at each other uneasily, some making the last few squiggles on their poster papers, others shielding what they've written from peering eyes.

   After what feels like an eternity, the blond-haired boy Maigo recognizes by his sparkling aura waltzes up to the teacher's podium. "Hold your breath," he announces, moving to hold his new hero name up.

   Suddenly, the girl who is sitting next to Maigo disappears in a flash of blue lightning, before reappearing at the front of the classroom, knocking over the sparkle boy and bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.

   "I'm going to be the Electric Hero: The Glitch!" she exclaims, waving her poster paper in front of the class. Her hundred-kilowatt smile lights up her face as blue sparks dance in her eyes.

   "What an interesting name, Tomei-Sei," Midnight exclaims. "Very fitting of your sparky personality!"

   The sparky girl bows and playfully skips back to her seat, leaving the sparkle boy grumbling on the floor, his smile still frozen on his face.


   "Alright, I believe everyone has had the chance to pick their hero names," Midnight muses. "And those who needed to rethink have had the opportunity to do so," she emphasizes, eyes shooting over to Bakugo's spiky mop of sandy hair. "I think this class has been quite successful... oh, Maigo! Yes, I almost forgot! Why don't you come up here and show us your hero name!"

   Maigo's head jerks up at the sound of her name. Reluctantly, she slinks toward the front of the classroom, ducking behind the teacher's podium and clasping the poster paper close to her chest. She reaches both hands up and pushes the poster paper up over the edge of the podium, so everyone can see what name she has chosen.

   "Cerebella!" Midnight coos, clapping her hands together. "What a lovely, elegant name for a budding hallucionist!"

   The girl glances behind her to where Shota stirs in his sleeping bag. He wakes momentarily to give her a slight wink before falling back asleep. Confused murmurs whisk their way across the classroom as Maigo scampers back to her seat. She scrambles onto the desk chair and lays her head back down on the desk surface. She closes her eyes and decides that this is enough social interaction for one day.


   This installment of our story was a collaboration with my friend sparkle123tt

   If you liked the character Tomei-Sei, I highly suggest you go check out this author! She's made a good handful of BNHA one-off stories, and writes a lot of Arrowverse fanfictions with her OC Clarity! Her main fanfiction is from DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and I absolutely love her original chapters! If you came here from her, then welcome! I hope you like my story!

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